Advent of Ainz Ool Gown

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Chapter 89

POV Momonga

As I stood up from the Round Table and headed for the Throne Room, I noticed the line of maids who bowed to the side as I walked past them. As I was about to walk past them like I always did, perhaps it was the fact that it was the last day, I chose to stop and look at them.

Memories came up as I remembered how we created each and every one of the maids...well mostly Whitebrim-san and his crazy obsession over maids and maid uniforms to be more specific. The crazy madlad and made every maid uniform different for all 42 of the Homunculi maids.

Me: Ah... that's right. I think it was from then that he started saying that 'Maid uniforms are justice!' Come to think of it, I think the manga he's drawing now has a maid as a main character. Do his assistants cry when he goes overboard on the designs? Ah, Whitebrim-san.

Unfortunately, while he kept in contact, Whitebrim never returned to the game like many others after meeting with Kara-san. Well...since it's the last day, I might as well see how he programmed her.

I took out the Guild Weapon and pointed at the maid.

Me: Master Source-Open

What I saw was not what I expected. I remember how Hero Hero-san and Whitebrim were the only ones who have programmed the maid but left only the bare minimum for the personality and description but what I saw in there but not a paragraph but rather...

Me: Jesus Christ Kara! When did you even have time to write all of this?

It was filled to the brim and more than what was allowed. I read a couple of lines but already I could tell I was getting into the privates. From the important information of who she thought she was to the smallest details of her favorite food, everything was recorded if she was describing a real person in detail.

Me: Holy crap, how much time did you spend on writing all of this?

I turned to the next maid and checked her as well. Sure enough, she as well had her description filled to the brim. While in one way I was very confused as to how and when she even had the ability and time to change all of this, I thought about it for a second.

This would not be the first time she had abused her authority as the GM's boss's daughter. She often gave the admins a 'fuck you' when they found out she was doing something that might break the balance of the game so discovering that she had done something like this without the guild weapon was not entirely surprising. What was more important to me but the fact that she spent so much time and effort into this game.

Deep down, I harbored a fear. A fear that others would leave this place and I would be left all alone without anyone to be there with me. For a while, it seemed as if that nightmare might become true as others began leaving the game due to negligence, or more important issues to face in the real world. Until Kara came along and solved everything at once. She turned the game into real life for everyone. She gave the guild a new purpose to enjoy the game once again, without having to worry about what we used to. For that, I was grateful.

Me: ...thank you for your hard work Kara. It's deeply appreciated. Though I don't know why you're not the guild master if you're going to do stuff like this. You should've just asked for the role.

As I walked into the Throne room, I greeted Sebas, Touch Me's greatest pride and joy. I also greeted each of the Pleiades who Peroponcino often times jokingly referred to them as 'Fap Material' in which Touch Me and Bukubukuchagama would often beat up the perverted bird later if Kara, Herohero or one of the creators happened to be in a 10 mile radius when he said that.

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