No Forgiveness

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Chapter 104

"I broke the 4th Wall only to realize that my author is horrible." White Emperor (In the Future)

POV Livonia, Leader of the Titans

My thoughts at that exact moment? My emotions? My feelings? Logically, there was only one thing I could do.


But alas it was too late. As we tried to leave this planet, a voice and magic locked us in.

White Sovereign: Dimensional Lock one will be leaving today

I couldn't hear her properly...nor could anyone at that moment. We ran, we ran for all we were worth as we charged our magic to leave this planet behind and back into our own realms...but as she said it was too late.


As the magic construct in front of my eyes shattered into pieces, I finally understood the reality and horror of our situation. Our greatest fear...the natural enemy of our kind has returned. Not even as the same old Mortal Monarch as before but as one of our kind...

no...she was something greater. Not even Kronos who she has slain has ever reached that level of divinity and authority. Right now, that seemingly infinite power was aimed directly at us.

White Sovereign: Isn't this ironic? That your kind which once terrorized my world... destroyed all which I have built...*hand motion*


I felt my knees buckle as an overwhelming force crushed us into the ground. The Great Earth below me groaning and digging deeper into dirt and stone as the force above me continued to crush us...making us unable to move.

White Sovereign: That are under my dominion?


no...surely it cannot be. Mother would not do this!!

White Sovereign: If someone told me this was just some kind of bad joke, I would probably believe it. But the very fact that I can do this to you is living proof that this is reality.

NO!!! Please! Mother of All Life! Have you forsaken us? Do we mean nothing to you among the grand cosmos?

White Sovereign: I am the World Tree...I carry the will and power of YGGRASIL

It's true...the force in which that confines us can not be anyone else. But mother of all life...but her? Why did you choose her to be your successor? Did her passing soul linger? Is she really worthy of that position. A position of power even among the greatest of the ascended?

White Sovereign: The power I possess...surely the responsibilities that come with it must be great, but that is a question for another time. But for now...I wish to see you burn.

Somehow, it was at her words this time that I found my courage to speak.

Me: Please Your Lady! Spare us...this cycle of hatred must end. Else this slaughter will repeat throughout all eternity!

I knew I was lying. It was pretty much impossible. Except for the seven, there would be no one even remotely close in strength with mother, or that was how it was with the Mother of All Life during her days of glory.

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted quite literally as a literal hand grabbed my core of 혼 soul.

White Sovereign: Ahhh, so it was you. I Remember you. [Nightmare of Revelations]

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