Abusing rights to New Levels

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Chapter 20

We stood in front of a floating castle, waiting for a response. This was the guild base Silver Knights. A small guild composed of mostly humanoids and a few heteromorphs. But that wasn't the main reason we were here. We were here to remove a potential threat.

After 8 years of hiding, the 'item' finally changed hands from a surprising result. We were simply here to collect it. One way or another.

Guild Member: Please! Don't destroy our guild! We spent...we spent so much time and money on this place...you girls already have everything, don't you?

Me: You know why we're here, don't you? Everyone knows by now what we do and what it means when we go on a guild raid.

Guild Member: No...! We died to get it!

Me: Your guild can live without it. We, on the other hand, can put it to good use.

Diana: Just a warning though. We're going to get it one way or another. You can either surrender it peacefully or we'll tear your guild down data to data until we find it.

A skeleton that surprisingly resembled Momonga showed up beside the guy we were talking to and said with a sigh.

Skeleton: *sigh* Alaf, they're not going to listen. You know what they are capable of, don't you? Let's not destroy what we created with our own hands.

Alaf: But Shurshana...! It's...it's our first World Item!

Shurshana: We can grow strong even without it. See? Like The Di-Immortals guild which ranks in the top ten without a single World Item.

Alaf: Will you really leave us alone if we hand it over?

Diana: Of course. No reason for fighting if we achieve what we came here for.

After another sigh and a voice that sounded as if it was on the verge of crying, Alaf, the future God of Light handed over...Downfall of Castle and Country.

Me: Beautiful...so this is what it is.

Diana: We've removed the limiter on it...we were so worried when we couldn't find it for a bit, but now...

Sis hugged the fabric as Alaf handed it over.

Diana: It's home.

When father introduced this world item, there was no way we would not recognize it. This mind control item was probably our biggest chance of downfall if it entered the wrong hands. For example, if somebody mind-controlled one of our 5 elders, then the result would be disastrous. Yet, we also knew the potential if it fell into our hands...so be buffed up the ability.

It can control any number of people depending on your level (+1 for each 10 levels after 50) as well as support Job Classes such as Bard, Evangelist, or other such classes that rely on faith and command.

As we 'gate'ed our way back to the base, we realized that now, we've eliminated every threat, or at least prepared for all of them. No matter where or when in the world we were dropped off, Society would survive no matter what. If it was not dropped in a middle of an apocalypse, we would have enough manpower to conquer the world. enough scientific knowledge to travel the space itself (remember, 4 thousand years of technology are in their inventories, and Tim, other engineers & 5 elders are going to fully understand it)

Diana: There's still a problem though... the 'plan'

Ah yes, the plan. The plan that would give us a big help in the long run, possibly speeding things up by thousands on years, but the problem was...

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