Chapter Twenty - Well This Is Bad - Volume Two

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I was standing in front of a huge door, it was towering over me. The door looked ominous in front of me. I didn't feel safe as I stood in front of this door. I just knew there was something behind this door that I didn't want to see...

I could feel my body move as I went to open up the door. Even though the door was so huge I managed to grab hold of the doorknob. The doorknob felt cold against my hot and sweaty palm. I was hoping that the door was locked but my heart sank when it opened without any problem.

I push the door and it slowly opens up. I didn't move as the door continued to open up. I was frozen in that spot as I looked straight ahead. I didn't want to move forward but I wasn't in control of my body.

I walked into the darkroom and kept walking until I saw a light. When I reached the light source I felt my heartbeat increase in speed. I saw a knocked-over chair and a... body that was swinging above the ground.

It was a woman's body that was wearing a wedding dress... Her head was hanging awkwardly due to the noose that was around her neck. I couldn't see her face as it was covered by her long hair. For some reason I started to cry as I looked up at this woman, I could feel my mouth open as I let out a sound but I couldn't hear what I was saying.

Then the woman who was swinging on the noose stopped moving back and forth then her head straightened. She grabbed at the noose that was holding her up and untied herself from it. She gently got to the ground but still had the noose hanging from her neck. Her head kept awkwardly falling off to the side as she stood in front of me.

I was frozen in fear as she started to walk toward me... When she finally got in front of me, I was grabbed by both of my shoulders and I couldn't get out of her grip no matter how much I moved.

Then the hair that was in front of her face slowly moved out of the way and I saw𑁋

"Aurelia, are you still with me?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a man's voice. I blinked my eyes in confusion and looked at who called me. I didn't understand where I was for a second but remember as soon as I looked at the man who called me.

I was currently at my mandated therapy appointment. I must have gotten lost in my thoughts again... This kept happening for the past two years after my magic freak out. Dreams of my past kept showing up at night and even when I was awake I couldn't escape them. I felt like I really wasn't in my body anymore and my mind wasn't even a safe place for me.

"Are you having trouble processing your emotions right now?" The man was speaking to me in a gentle voice but it didn't do anything for me. He is just pretending to be gentle towards me... I know he just wants me to trust him so he could figure out a way to prevent me from having another magical freakout.

I knew how everyone else saw me, the girl whose magic is dangerous to everyone else if her emotions grow crazy. I was feared and hated... I doubt they would care about my magical freak out if they were able to control it for their uses.

"...I know that you don't trust me even after seeing each other for two years but I honestly do want to help you. I can't help you if you don't speak to me." The man looked a bit tired as he told me this. I didn't care if I was causing him stress, I just wanted him to give up and stop pretending he cared about me.

The room I was in was silent as I looked at the clock that was about to reach the end of my appointment. I looked back at the upset man who was sitting in his big chair. He had placed his notepad on the table and I saw that he had nothing written down. I thought he would at least write something about my behavior but I guess it would be boring to write about me not saying anything to him. I looked back at the clock and realized in just a few seconds my appointment would come to an end.

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