your breakup song

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Lol that is IF yall breakup. Feel free to give these songs a listen. I'm adding the reason why you broke up as well

Gibbs- Ready to let go- Cage the Elephant
He broke up with you because work was getting in the way

Tony- Better for me- Fake Laugh
He broke up with you because he felt like he wasn't good enough for you and he never would be

McGee- Why even try- Hippo Campus
You broke up with him because it felt like you guys were falling apart

Jimmy- Won't look back- Geowulf
He broke up with you because you both got into a big argument

Ziva- I'm not the only one- Sam Smith
She broke up with you because she was starting to have feelings with someone else

Abby- Next Best Thing- FLOOR CRY, Vansire
You broke up with her because it felt like she wasn't happy anymore

Honorable mentions, (check out these songs)
Uncomfortable- Wallows
Don't look back in anger- Oasis
When I was your man- Bruno Mars

Screw it, maybe ill make playlist

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