11: Jorgen

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The next day and a half in Norway kinda go by in a blur. I mean, really go by in a blur. We finish at the cafe and then go find something to do in the city, that night we wander around and stay up late again, less drinking this time, I fall asleep with him in the early morning and we wake up, pack up, and drive home.

The next two days or so are also kinda blurry, Rocket and I are back and forth to the local rink and the gym, he accidentally overdoes it on the first day, it's been about a week since we've worked out at the normal intensity, and I have to rub his shoulders out which ends with my hand over his mouth because my sister is in the next room and him asking, for the millionth time when we're taking it up a notch. Which, at this point, is making me a little weirdly uncomfortable. I should want this with him and I do, I really do, but there's something off about how he's asking or why or all of that and I can't pinpoint it.

And then I need to visit Wilhelm, because he got word through Astrid that I was home and brought a friend.

"Hey, Håk," Rocket is in the passenger seat because I refuse to let him get a Swedish speeding ticket. He has been asking to let me let him drive on the couple highways here and there so he can go 120 km/h legally. I've managed to avoid it for sake of my life and limb.

"Yeah?" I glance at him.

"Did you know Jorgen had a kid?" He's frowning at his phone.


"Like an actual honest to god child," he's still staring at his phone. "Who isn't baby aged. Like, he looks six-ish."

"What are you, what?"

"I mean, there's literally no other explanation for this, I'd show you but you're driving." He's still staring blankly at his phone. "He looks like a very small Jorgen. Like Jorgen had a shrink ray and regrew his leg and shaved. Like this kid is just small Jorgen."

"We've got like two minutes until we get there, you can show me then, but really? Is this new? How did you find out?"

"Nico just sent it to the team chat," he mumbles. "It's obviously Jorgen, standing in some random fire station, a genuine child on his shoulders that looks literally exactly like him. I didn't think he had a kid. I didn't even know he was like, with anyone. I thought he was freewheeling over there. I mean, I completely understand if he does have someone because jesus christ he's hot, but..."

"Agreed that he's hot," I ruffle Rocket's hair. "But no, he's definitely not dating anyone. I know that for a fact."

Rocket makes a little 'hmm' noise. "I'm- okay, yeah, this is the Chicago East firehouse, it says it on the fire truck he's standing next to."

"He's from there, Joey Hadley, his dad, is the only one of the three Hadley men that isn't working for the Wolves, Bernie and Louie both hold positions with the Wolves, Bernie coaches and Louie is the GM. Last time I checked Joey is an accountant."

"Hm, boring." Rocket mumbles. "So, Jorgen is home, and has a son out of nowhere."

I pull into Wilhelm's driveway and put the car in park, Rocket hands me his phone. He was right, it's Jorgen, standing by a fire truck, mini Jorgen up on his shoulders. "Wow, weird."

"Did we both like, Mandela effect out a whole child? Did we both forget?" He looks at me. "Wait, go back to the chat, what's everyone else saying."

I exit the picture and open up the chat again, Nico left a couple sentences right below it. "Everyone say hi to Connor, he's seven."

"No, it looks like nobody knew."

"That's the weirdest thing." He mumbles. "Do we know like, a mom? Is this just a single dad thing? I feel like we should've known that our literal head EMT that watches all of our asses constantly every day has a son."

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