45: Helen's Revenge

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Okay so yeah, it was weird that the doorbell went off at 10pm night six.

"Are we expecting people?" I ask Rey, then look over at my dad across the board  game.

They're both looking at the door.

"No, we're not," he mumbles. "I'll be right back."

"Weird," Rey shrugs, leaning over to pick up Dad's stack of cards to check what he has. I lean next to her, reading all the numbers. "He's kinda screwed. Dunno why he's playing so confidently."

I stifle a laugh. "Yeah that hand is pretty shitty."

There's a noise from the door. "MILOS!"

"Fuck," I look up.



"I'll get to you in a minute," she snips at Dad. "I had planned to take you in August and I have no idea why you didn't just tell me!"

"Mom?" Rey is staring at Mom. I'm preparing to be grounded for the foreseeable future.

"Hi," I mumble. "So-"

"SO?" She's got her hands on her hips. I'm like 99% sure if she had a wooden spoon somewhere I'd be getting it.

"S'okay so I know it's not like good-"


"Alright alright!" I raise my hands. "I swear I was going to tell you at some point but I lost track of-"

She's looking right through that. "Miloš."

"So it was a little impulsive! Maybe I didn't think all the way through this!"

"That's what I thought," she shakes her head. "You and your undeveloped prefrontal cortex. I had to find out from your boyfriend who didn't even know that you weren't going to tell me."

"Well I was! At some point! I didn't know when-"

She's mumbling so fast I can't decipher it. "Should've known you would've- agh," she puts her hand on my head, ruffling my hair. "I'm glad you're safe. Next time you decide to do something like this please just tell me."

"I'm not in trouble?"

"Oh you're in trouble."

"Oh," I wince. "Whoops."

"Promise me you'll tell me."

"Promise," I mumble.


"I promise I'll tell you the next time I do something big and probably not all that smart." I say, louder.

"There you go," she stands up straight again, looking around, eyes landing on Rey who looks beyond scared. "Hi honey, I'm so so sorry."

"Uhm, I-"

"S'okay, Håkon told me, you're alright," she offers up a hug. "It's been too long." Rey leans into it, letting Mom hug her. "You're all grown up, and you're so pretty. I knew your hair would be gorgeous when it's long."

"Thanks," she responds, blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Now, you two stay right there while I give your father hell." she spins on her heel and walks back toward the entryway. "Håkon, may I borrow him?"

"Håkon?" I lean out, looking down the hallway. "Håkon!"

"Hey Milo," he's pink in the cheeks. "So I'm sorry I told your mo-"

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