31: Now Have Me

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mom u know the dealio. one more chapter for u to skip. 

extended author's note at the bottom 

mom seriously skip this. click into the dropdown menu and then click on '31:' it's not difficult just do it. shoo <3


"Now, have me." I say, as confident as I can as to not make him panic any more. He's clearly nervous, red up his neck to his ears. "It's okay," I coax. I might be nervous but I want to share this with him.

"O-okay," Milo pulls in a breath.

I half want to tell him to talk again, it was helping him, easing his nerves, but it was helping me too. Letting me listen to him and mull over his words while trying not to be too awkward or too stiff or too anything. I liked it when he was talking, now he's quiet.

"Milo," I manage.

"M'scared," he mumbles. I sit up, propping my body up with one of my arms and taking his face into my other hand, letting him press his cheek against my palm, looking away, embarrassed.

"It's-" I shake my head. "Stop thinking, you're freaking yourself out. It's gonna be okay, perfect."

He takes a deep breath in and I feel his hand where it needs to be. "Good, good," I whisper, watching what he's doing. "You got it, forward." I keep my voice down, we're ear to ear, staring at what's happening. "There you go." 

My entire body tenses up at the first tiny contact, he's not even doing anything but touching me and I'm scared again. I force myself to relax, focusing from the top down, my shoulders, chest, stomach, upper legs, lower legs, toes. Arms, forearms, hands. I cup the back of his neck, tipping his jaw with my thumb and brushing my nose on his, our eyes open, looking at each other. "If you don't want to, you don't-" he pushes forward and my sentence is cut out by a sharp gasp, my gasp, his, I'm not sure. His mouth is open against mine, breathing hard, nose on nose, eyes smashed shut.

"Fuck," he lets out, soft and low and raspy and straight down my spine. "Fuck, Håkon,"

I slip away from him, easing back down onto my back and shoulders, letting my head tip back, my mouth open, beyond shocked, unable to squeak out any noise while he moves slowly forward. He's breathing hard, and when I manage to open my eyes I find him bending some of the way over, setting his forehead on mine, hair falling forward. He shifts a slight bit and-

"Fuck, ow, ow ow ow," I clench my jaw and wince, feeling tension run through my shoulders.

Milo freezes. "Shit, Håk, hey, hey, what happened?"

I pull in a hard breath, forcing my body to release all the tension it can. "Just... hurt a little." I mutter, gripping the sheet by my side, angling all my tension to my hand.

"No, hell no." His hands find my face, cupping my cheeks and making me look up at him. "I'm not doing this if it's gonna hurt you."

I huff out a breath, then reach up and kiss him, letting him slow down and breathe and letting myself relax. I stroke my hand slowly up through his head of hair, letting it filter between my fingers, thick and long and gorgeous.

He's being soft with me, little kisses on my cheeks and my nose and the center of my forehead and everywhere he can reach. Well, his mouth is PG-13. His hands aren't. One is in my hair and that's fine, but the other is running down the divots in my stomach and the lines of my arms and the way my collarbones stick out and up the definition of my thigh right next to his hip.

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