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Aprils pov

"... And unicorns exist," I say because I mean they're obviously joking but nobody laughs and I start to panic. How can it all be true?

"April he's being serious," Dylan says with a straight and serious face.

"So, you killed my parents? You're the reason why I was abandoned and you're the reason I've been running for my life?" I pause and Nathan tries to speak but I hold a finger up letting him know I'm not yet done.

"And I'm the queen of werewolves?"

"Yes you are and I am to blame for everything but I'm not seeking a family reunion. All I want is for you to sign the papers forfeiting your right and claim to the throne and I'll let you live." He says coldly.

For months now I've been trying to find my place and purpose and find out my heritage and why my parents did what they did and as I sit across from the reason why I feel the anger start to boil in my veins and I'm sure as hell not going to sign away my right and what so many people have sacrificed their lives for.

My parents died but not before ensuring I was safe. They saved me maybe knowing one day I'd avenge their death and ensure that they did not die in vain.

"What if I don't sign the papers?" I say standing up and I can feel Snow trying to take control and I let her for a minute.

"Then my dear I'll have no choice but to kill you and keep the crown anyway."Nathan says sinisterly while standing up.

"Nooooo it wasn't supposed to get to that." Dyl says getting up quickly and running to his mate.

"I tried your way darling but she won't listen to reason and so I have no choice but to do what I must and you will rule right beside me as my Alpha King. Don't you want that?"

"Not if it means losing my butterfly. Why are you making me choose?" He says sadly.

My heart warms at the sweet nickname he calls me.

Before he could answer, the door bursts open and an angry Jason walks through followed by Esmy and several warriors. My heart leaps at the first sight of my mate but he doesn't even spare a glance towards my direction and I feel a sharp sting of hurt but I know I deserve it and I try to ignore it.

"What's going on here?" Jason says his voice deep with anger.


"ATTACK!" Nathan roars and out of nowhere warriors pour into the room from all sides.

One second everyone is standing still, the next everyone is on each other and the scent of blood, anger, and hatred is thick in the air.

A few warriors start making their way towards me but stop once they see their leader making his way towards me.

"I'll take my sweet time killing you dear niece." Nathan says while licking his lower lip in hunger.

"Enough talk." I say as I lunge for him.

He kicks me on the stomach and that force sends me flying across the room, I get up quickly and go for him again only this time more strategic. I slide on the floor kicking his feet as I go and he loses his balance and falls down. I jump on him not giving him the chance to get up because he is a royal Alpha and he's way stronger than I am. I let my claws protrude and I start slicing his arms and his cry oh his cry is music to my ears.

I continue ripping his flesh off and I start seeing his arm bones, I'm tempted to eat his flesh, and right before I'm about to put his blood-dripping meat in my mouth, I'm yanked off and flung across the room.

I get up quickly to see who threw me across the room and it's Dyl but I can't blame him, he was saving his mate.

Nathans warriors circle me and start beating, kicking, and punching me and I feel exhausted and so I let them but Snow doesn't. She takes over and throws everyone off us and takes a minute to take a breath and it only takes that one minute for everything to change.

A shadow covers me and the next thing I hear is a painful howl and my heartbreaking. Someone I love is dying and my heart aches because I can feel our bond weakening and the fire in their soul flickering. I fall on my knees because the pain is too much.

It feels like my soul mate, like half of me is dying and there's nothing I can do about it.


Hey Guys!

I'm so so so sorry for taking this long to update but I wanted to thank you all so much for being patient with me :).



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