1; new beginnings

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Hello my name is Sailor green, i'm 24 years old and i'm the ceo on sailor designs. Sailor designs is a interior design company. I've started this company 7 years ago fresh outta high school at 17 years old, that's right 17, summer birthday tingz.

I am very proud of my company. If i'm being honest I didn't except for it to become as popular as it. My company is number 1 in North America and top 3 in the world.

I love where I am in the world but I still feel lonely. I come home to an empty house, I have "friends" but they all fake. They wouldn't come if I needed them. They're rich so they think everyone they hang around has to be rich which is the only reason why they probably befriended me. I mean i'm not losing sleep at night from it.

"Ms. Green, you can go home now. Everyone has been notified that work needs to be turned in by midnight." I nod at my secretary

I get up from my desk shutting off my computer and putting away important documents. I take my heels off and put on my slides cause damn my feet hurt.

I make my way out the office to the elevators pressing ground level to get to my car.

Stepping out the elevator, walking towards my car i'm met with 5 white kids. 2 teenagers, a slightly younger teen, and two other kids one looking about 8 and other 4. I took in their appearances and their clothes look worn out, their faces are pink because of it being freezing cold meaning that they've probably been here for a good while.

"Hello" I smile at them "Hi" each one of them said quietly. "I don't wanna be rude but why are y'all standing at my car?" The boy who i'm guessing is the oldest started talking "O-Our birth g-giver dropped us off and told us to come to this specific car then threw the middle finger up at us and drove off." He said as all of their eyes became watery. Who would did this to these poor babies. It looks like they have been neglected for quiet a while. They look pale and skinny but not a normal skinny a 'i haven't eaten' skinny.

I'm pretty sure she ain't coming back to get them.

Funny thing is I almost never drive my tesla because of it having those extra seats and it's only me but literally all the morning something in my mind was telling me to bring me tesla to work and looky here it came in handy.

"Come on get it in. It's enough seats. One of the older kids can sit in the front and the rest of y'all in the back." They all rush to get in the car because it's literally freezing. I hear arguing on the passenger side and I look up seeing the oldest three fighting. I smile at them. "Quiet down guys, oldest in the front." The boy smiles and sits in the front while the others make their way to the back. "Everyone in?" I hear a bunch yeses and I turn on the heat so everyone can start getting warm.

"Where are we going?" I look up in the rear view while driving to see who's talking. "We're going to my house." I smile. I haven't smiled so much in my life.

I grew up in a unhealthy house hold. A past that i'll rather not talk about.

A bunch of gasp broke me out of my daze. I realize that we are at the house. I turn off the car and unlock the door for everyone. The youngest naturally grabs my hand as everyone walks up to the door.

I unlock the door and everyone goes running through the house giggling and laughing. I take off my coat and hang it up then slip off my shoes. I help the youngest with her shoes and coat. I watch them run throughout the house and the oldest comes up to me looking sad.

"What's wrong?" "I don't want them to be happy if this is gonna be our first and last time here." What he said stunned me. I didn't think he'll think of this and I can't believe I didn't think of this.

I think about everything in my life, I think about the pros and cons of taking all of them in. Everything flies out the window when I think about me smiling for the first time in so long, when I think about them laughing and giggling because they're happy and excited, running around and having fun. "I wouldn't mind taking all y'all in. Only if all y'all will be okay with it." I smile at him and he smiles then hug me whispering a bunch of thank yous.

"OKAY EVERYONE MEET IN THE LIVING ROOM!" I scream throughout the house.


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