24; new kid

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tw: mentions of sex trafficking


"I think an off-white couch would look better than a cocaine white." I say to myself looking through the Ipad.

I'm currently at my office looking at couches for Mr. Morales's living room. Today has been a busy day, back-to-back meetings, finalizations, and I might be expanding my company out of state.

The buzzer in my office comes on "Ms. Green there is a Kara Pool here to see you" For some reason my heart drops and my stomach starts to feel funny.

"You can send her in" A few seconds later she walks in smiling. "Ms. Pool, Hi!" I stand up extending my hand which she takes.

"Please call me Kara" I nod "Please have a seat" I motion to the two chairs in front of me. "How are you and the kids?" she asked.

Just the thought of my babies makes me smile ear to ear. "It's been great actually. You know there are good and bad days. What about you? How have you been?" she smiles brightly again.

"We're the same age well I'm older than you by a couple of months but you inspired me to adopt a sibling group." I look at her surprised.

"There was this sibling group, 8 of them, that lived at the home and I've loved them since they been there. They would always ask me like when will I adopt them and things like that. But I would always change the subject since I thought I was too young for that and it'll be too much but once I seen you do it I thought like 'okay I definitely can do it too then.' It was a lot at first but then once we found our groove it got less hectic." I am speechless.

"That's great Kara. I have to admit it was very troublesome in the beginning but once everyone got comfortable it got way easier. But 8???? Wow, girl" Just thinking about 8 kids gives me a headache.

"Yeah, I don't know what was going through my mind during that time. Going from 0 to 8 kids, psycho" I laugh

"I'm actually fostering to adopt now." I look at her with wide eyes, 9??? "I bet your house is hectic" she sighs "Yes. I do not want to go home" I laugh.

"But I came here to talk to you about foster this teenage girl. You would foster her for a year then once you're time is up you can choose to give her back to us or adopt." I take my glasses off to hear her better.

"2 weeks ago we busted this sex traffic ring. She and the girl I am fostering now was a part of it. Rosetta is her name, she was born in Mexico. She got taken from Mexico and brought to the states to be a part of the ring about 3 days before we found it. Nothing happened to her but she's still a bit shaken up. She has a little PTSD." I nod

"She just turned 16 last week and her english isn't that great" she informs me.

"There were about 13 other girls but when I saw her for some reason I thought about you. You were the first person on my mind." I feel touched

"I don't want to pressure you into fostering her. Here's her folder to learn about her, you can take it home to show the kids and I'll come to pick it up tomorrow. Here's my number so you can call me if you choose to foster her." she hands me a card.

"I look forward to hearing from you Sailor" she smiles leaving out the room.

I sigh. What the hell.

6 kids.

I lean back opening the folder. "Let's see"

• • •

"So guys there's this girl" before I could even finish Cole cuts me off "Mom, you're gay?!" I whip my head towards him so face.

"What? No! What the hell Cole" I look at him weirdly "Not saying that it's anything wrong with being gay, that was just so random" Mia hits him on the arm "Dummy" she mumbled.

"Like I was saying there's this girl... Rosetta García" I put the folder on the table and Clare reached for it first.

"The social worker came to me today seeing if I wanted to foster her" I begin but got cut off once again. "Do it" Mia and Clare said.

"She doesn't speak english well so y'all will need to help her" the girls nod.

Of course, they're on board. "I just keep getting outnumbered" Cole pouts in the chair. "Just think about it, Cole. You basically get what you want because you're the only boy" he sits up in the chair. "Does that mean a car?" I side-eye him.

"We'll see" Never seen him so happy and he doesn't even have the car yet. "She's pretty" Mia says with Clare agreeing.

"Also she might be a little jumpy, she has some past trauma that I will not say unless she wants to open up about it." they nod.

Probably wondering where my little babies are.

Saige took Brayden and Kaylen with her to Disney World. The older kids didn't want to go and I had work.

Not going to lie I think Brayden and Kaylen are Saige's favorite children and Syire likes Cole and Kaelyn and my mom, lawd my mom adores Cole.

She doesn't even care about Syire anymore.

"Okay, I'll call the social worker now" I get up going into my room.

"Sailor, hey" I hear kids in the back "Hey, I was just calling to say I would like to foster Rosetta" I can basically hear her smile "Okay I'll drop her off tomorrow afternoon with some paperwork and stuff" I tell her okay and we exchange 'goodbyes' then hang up.

Deep breaths. You got this.

If grandmas can raise 8+ kids and 35+ grandchildren, I can raise 6 children.

• • •

College is kicking my ass y'all 😞

Like idk how people do it.

Let's pretend I didn't miss last thursday. thanks 😘

I'll show what Rosetta looks like in the next chapter.

Also poor Rosetta

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