39: montana

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"Welcome back to my channel. We are at the airport." I turn the camera showing the airport. "Me and my family are going to Montana for new years. You probably realized the quality is way better and that's because my mom brought me a camera for Christmas." I explained to the camera.

"Breaking my heart yeah." my mom started singing out of nowhere. "Got me crying all inside." me and Mia sang at the same time with mom.

"Here's mom." I said turning the camera to show my mom who posed for my camera. "My children, come on we need to take a picture." she said handing her to Uncle Syire.

I stay my camera down and positioned it so that they could see us pose for a picture.

• • •

"This is my first time on an airplane." I said smiling turning the camera to the window showing that we were above the clouds. I turn the camera towards Mia.

"Miana how are you feeling?" she told her head at the name. "I didn't know you knew my name." she said in complete shock. "What do you mean? I'm your sister?" I said confused. She's probably saying that because we've literally been calling her Mia since forever.

"Anyways I'm feeling good. I'm excited. I have never been anywhere before." she said and I nodded.

I slide my camera through the crack to mom and Brayden. "Talk about how excited you are." I told her and she nodded back at me.


"Brayden how are you feeling?" I asked her while positioning the camera so you can see both of us. "I'm happy. To play with snow." she said smiling showcasing her two bottom missing teeth.

"Yeah, we don't get snow where we live sadly." I told the camera. "I'm kind of nervous about the trip. This is my first time traveling as a mom. I'm glad everyone came though." I said referring to my mom, two aunts, Syire, Saige, and her kids.

Saige and my aunts are coming together and I came with Syire and Mom.

"Okay, I'm giving the camera to Cole and Anna." I said then stretched across the aisle handing them the camera.


"Cole how are you feeling?" I asked showing Cole as he was knocked out, mouth opened and all. I zoomed in super close showing them the real Cole.

"Guys I don't know if I wanna do skiing or snowboarding. I think snowboarding will be funnier. We all have our snow stuff in a suitcase to change once we get to the airport." I explained

"Let me tell y'all about this boy at school. Like he so fi-" I started but was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Clare telling me to pass the camera.

I sucked my teeth then pasted it forward to Kaelyn.


"Hiii" I whispered "It's my first time on a pwane. I'm next to uncle Syire." I show uncle Syire, he's sleeping.

"We going- I mean we aRe going to somewhere snowy. Mommy said I can play in the snow." maybe I'll build a snowman.

"Okay bye." I said then pressed the off button.

• • •


"Woahhh this place is niceeee." Anna exclaimed as we pulled up to the lodge. It was actually really pretty.

Soon as I put the car in park, they jumped out of the car grabbing their stuff. I was the last one out of the car and outside, they just left me like I'm nothing.

I get into the house to hear yelling. "Mommy gets the biggest room, Cole! Get out!" Brayden yelled. I closed the door behind me locking it then double-checking making sure it was locked.

Listen, man, I've been watching law and order: svu and I'm just being cautious.

I finally get up the steps after struggling with my suitcase, maybe I overpacked.

I find the master bedroom and just flop on the bed ready to sleep. "Sai I'll cook" Syire said and I gave him a thumbs up still laying down.

I sigh once my phone ding. I just want a peaceful and relaxing night. My frown suddenly turned into a huge smile seeing who it was.

spanish mf <3

I hope you and the kids made it there safely! Don't forget to send pictures!
Miss you baby <3

My smile turns back to a frown once I saw that he didn't even say 'I'

you don't even mean it
"miss you"
where's the i

What? Of course, I mean it
Sorry I thought I pressed I
I miss you hermosa

ughhh why is he so cute

i was just joking
i miss you too hoe
i mean baby

Sometimes I wonder why do I do the things I do? But I did chuckle a little.

How do you mistake that?

who knows
i'm bouta shower ttyl

Ttyl pretty
I'll call you later?


Sometimes I wonder how the hell did I get so lucky with this man.

• • •

my writers block is gone finallyyyyyyy

it's been way too long since i updated this book and I miss it wayyy toooo much and i miss y'all 🙄.

but i do wanna update this book a bit. i have found some new face claims and i really like them for the story. i'm also gonna add an introductions page it should be up around the time this chapter is out so y'all can go check it out.

as you'll realize the characters will be different but they still kind of have the same features I just found more better and updated pictures.

also i updated the getting to know each other chapter, nothing too important, it's just less cringey LMAO.

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