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I walk into the Leaky Cauldron behind my twin brothers Fred and George. We've come to meet our youngest brother, Ron's, best friend Harry Potter.

There are a lot of us Weasleys. I'm Tamsin the oldest. After a brief eight month stint at the Ministry of Magic I started teaching Astronomy at Hogwarts. This year will be my fifth year teaching. While teaching was never my first career choice I can't imagine myself doing anything else now.

After me is Bill we're less than a year apart, my birthday being in January and his in November. Bill is currently in Africa working from Gringotts. After him is Charlie. He's almost three full years younger than me. He's in Romania studying dragons. Then there is Percy, six years my junior. He starts his last year at Hogwarts in a few days. He's Head Boy this year and he's already let it go to his head. Next are the biggest troublemakers in our family twins Fred and George. They are eight years younger than me and in their fifth years at Hogwarts. Ron is after them. He's a full decade younger than me. He's starting his third year at Hogwarts with his famous best friend Harry Potter. The baby of our family is my only sister Ginny. It's only her second year at Hogwarts. She was born two months before I left for my first year at Hogwarts. My mother sent me letters every week with updates on how much Ginny was growing and pictures of her and everyone else.

Ron is showing Harry and Hermione the Daily Prophet cover with our family vacation on it. Our father won the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw. Him and Mum decided to use the money to take us on a trip to see Bill in Egypt. Even though I write Bill every week it was still nice to see him in person. Letters can only make you fell so connected. Charlie was even able to get time off from his job to go with us.

"Not flashing that clipping again are you, Ron?" Fred teases. He grabs the newspaper from Ron.

"I haven't shown anyone," Ron states.

"No, not a soul," George says.

"Not unless you count Tom," Fred says.

"Or the day maid," George adds.

"The night maid," Fred states.

"The cook," George says.

"The bloke who fixed the toilet," Fred adds.

"And that wizard from Belgium," George teases.

Fred and George sit down beside each other at the table.

I smile at Harry. "Did you really blow up your Aunt?"

Harry smiles ever so slightly. "Yeah."

"I'm sure she's a nasty character who deserved it," I state.

"Tamsin," Mum scolds. She walks right past me and over to Harry. "Harry."

Harry stands up from his chair. "Mrs. Weasley."

Molly put her hand on his face. "Good to see you, dear."

"Good to see you," Harry tells her.

"Have you got everything you need?" Mum asks.

Harry nods. "Yes."

"Yes? All of your books?" Mum questions.

"Yeah. It's all upstairs," Harry tells her.

"And your clothes?" Mum asks.

"Everything's there," Harry assures.

"Good boy," Mum tells him.

Harry smiles. "Thank you."

Dad steps up to Harry. "Harry Potter."

Harry shakes Dad's hand. "Mr. Weasley."

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