☽twenty two☾

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I spot Ron sitting by himself in the Great Hall. I sit down across from him.

"I'm surprised Lavender has let you out of her sight," I taunt.

"She's in class," Ron tells me.

I spot a gold necklace with the words "my sweetheart" dangling around his neck. I let out a laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Ron asks.

"That horrid necklace around your neck," I tell him.

"Eat slugs," Ron tells me.

I shake my head. "That's not nice, Ron."

"Lupin gave you a necklace," Ron reminds me.

"Of a full moon and a star. Not of the words 'my sweetheart'," I counter.

"So?" Ron remarks.

"Well at least the one Remus gave me is cute," I argue. Ron glares at me. "Plus she calls you Won-Won."

"And what does Remus call you?" Ron asks.

"Darling or Tams," I tell him.

"And what do you call him?" Ron asks.

"Remus or Sweetheart," I tell him.

"If you can call Lupin Sweetheart why can't Lav give me a necklace with it on it?" Ron asks.

"Because she is practically branding you," I argue. "I call Remus that I don't give him something to wear with the name on it."

Lavender walks over towards us. "There's my Won-Won."

I stand up to leave. "I'll see you later Won-Won in detention."

"Detention?" Ron questions.

"Telling a professor to eat slugs." I shake my head. "Not wise."

I walk down the hallway towards the Gryffindor dormitory looking for Ron.

Harry and I meet at the door.

"Hi Harry," I greet.

Harry smiles. "Hey Tams."

We walk into the Gryffindor common room.

"Have you seen Ron?" I ask.

Harry shakes his head. "No. I was in the library with Hermione."

"He has detention with me tonight," I tell him.

Harry looks at me surprised. "What did he do to receive detention from you of all people?"

"He was mouthing off to me earlier," I tell Harry.

"What did he say?" Harry questions.

"He told me to eat slugs," I tell Harry.

He laughs lightly. "Sorry that's not funny."

"I wanted to have a real conversation about him and Lavender but then she showed up so I really just wanted to get him alone in detention to finish our talk," I explain.

Harry nods. "I'll go see if he's in our room."

"Tell him he's got another detention," I state.

Harry nods as he walks up to his room. A moment later I hear him call out to me.


I make my way up to their room. "Harry what is..." I spot Ron sitting on the floor staring out the window looking at the moon. "What is wrong with him?"

"That's beautiful, isn't it? The moon," Ron says.

"Divine. Had ourselves a little late night snack, did we?" Harry questions.

Sky Above//Remus LupinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt