|Chapter 35 ~ Cloudburst|

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I didn't understand why I was still alive.

It wasn't possible.

The electric blue magma that was about to incinerate us, blasted past my face. My skin was unscathed as if the liquid suddenly decided against burning my flesh and bones into a bloody puddle.

I was at first too shocked to move, but when it finally felt as if my limbs were able to operate again, I looked down at the piece of metal against my neck. The pendant didn't seem anything other than what it really was, a piece of jewellery.

The absolute power it radiated was however far  from normal.

The energy felt like a cool cocoon. An invisible power that enveloped my entire being in a protective shell. I felt my heart contract when I remembered my friends and spun around, dreading the worst.

They weren't dead.

Mouth open, I glanced at the others and almost wanted to collapse from relief. The seven of us were all okay - very terrified - but at least alive.

Whatever triggered the unbelievable power from the necklace - saving everyone from certain death - immediately faded. When I again looked at the sapphire, the beautiful blue stone was the colour of murky swamp water.

A sudden wind exploded behind me, giving me goosebumps and making me turn.

Angelus was already in the air, heading straight towards the Ertheon.

Seeing the Defender preparing for batting, Ferîan and Quîncîn immediately followed. The three Lesphares were utterly calm as they approached the deadly monstrosity up ahead. I respected their bravery, but didn't waste any time as Christa and I regrouped with Lex and Jacob. Christa already activated her equipment like she did a while back and was aiming directly at the voltaic dragon hovering far above us.

"You think it will hit?!" Jacob screamed over the raging wind and gurgling thunder.

Our setting was that of pure chaos.

White bolts thundered across the purple sky, illuminating the valley ever so often and then leaving it in deathly shadow. Blue fire burned everywhere, the obsidian of the valley liquidating thanks to the horrifying heat of the Ertheon.

"For all our sakes, I sure hope it does!" Christa yelled back, voice rigid with concentration.

An explosion - so loud it made my ears ring - suddenly sounded across the expanse.

I looked up to find Angelus and the rest had already begun their attack. Dark matter that resembled pure universe followed by frosted winds and hardened rock impaled the Ertheon from three different sides.

I gaped at the Lesphares.

The warriors' elemental attacks were terrifyingly stunning as the radiances lit up the midnight sky in different hues of powerful energy. Thunder boomed far above us and the amount of smoke in the air made my lungs burn. I knew Jacob was readying his weapon when the click of metal sounded behind me.

Christa also fixated her weapon on the giant target coiling in the clouds and a menacing grin spread across her face.

"Let's see if Huang's hard work pays off." She growled as the familiar blast from our earlier confrontation with the alien weapons, escaped the futuristic gun.

Pure and fatal ivory light blasted into the sky.

Heading straight towards the hovering figure of the Ertheon.

Since the beast was distracted by the three Lespharian warriors, the Ertheon's front received the full blast of Christa's weapon. An ear-splintering howl - making the very obsidian glass of the valley shatter - echoed across the vastness. The very thunder clouds parted slightly at the mere velocity of the Ertheon's growl. Its roar forced the storm to reveal a wisp of night sky.

Golden DawnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz