|Chapter 27 ~ Open Plains|

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"What the hell?!" I exclaimed as the party of three made their way up the mountain range, my heart pounding so hard I hoped Angelus wasn't able to hear it.

What the heck was  Quîncîn doing here?! I thought, blood pounding in my ears. My head was exploding with all the possible explanations as to how and why the Lesphares I had last seen back in Osseus, could possibly be all the way out here. With Jacob and Ferîan none the less.

By the time I had somehow accepted the very unforeseen development, the party had finally arrived at our campsite. Jacob dropped a large creature - I previously thought just to be a small animal - unto the rock floor in front of the cavern entrance. A rotten smell filled the air and I gagged at the disgusting oder that emitted from the corpse of the big rabbit-like creature. Its pelt glowed with a strange greenish radiance, almost as if the fur itself was weaved from pure emerald. Another very strange feature immediately presented itself to me as I observed it. Strange spikes poked out through the flesh all along the bend of its back, those you would normally find on a dragon or reptile. 

My gaze went from the dead creature to Jacob - who I was very relieved to see - and then finally to Quîncîn, my heart stilling as a result. Quîncîn looked a lot different from when I saw him last, the memory doing nothing to better my mood. His beige hair appeared longer and more tussled, the mane hanging down the expanse of his muscled neck in faint curls. Strapped unto his back, was a sheathed longsword with a jagged handle that seemed painful to the touch. The Lesphares was clothed in baggy white pants and long maroon-brown robes that wound tightly around his powerful body. His stormy grey eyes held mine in an irritated gaze and I immediately felt my hands clench into fists at my sides.

"Quîncîn of the Mountaî. This is sure an interesting development." Angelus observed, breaking the uncomfortable silence that hung over all of us.

"We found him at the edge of the terrain Defender, it seemed he had come to keep track of our progress." Ferîan explained, motioning towards the brooding Lesphares.

I narrowed my eyes at Quîncîn, remembering how impatient and rude he had been throughput our journey to Osseus. I had come to really dislike the Lesphares. The mere thought - that he had followed us all the way - made me absolutely livid.

"Is that so?" Angelus inquired, his one dark eyebrow lifting. "And who may be so interested in our journey, that they would send you to act as an observer?" He asked, voice slightly harsher than a moment ago. I glanced at Angelus in slight surprise, noticing the change in his tone almost as simultaneously as Quîncîn. 

When I however, noticed the look in Quîncîn's eyes, I felt my spine lock. The blonde Lesphares' eyes were hardened by anger, along with another emotion I couldn't place.

Quîncîn was actually glowering  at Angelus. The air zapped with energy and made my skin tingle. The atmosphere surrounding the two Lesphares so tense, I thought a storm would break out any second with the amount of fury brewing in the air.

A sudden shuffle from the direction of the cavern entrance adverted everyone's attention away from the silent battle of rage between Angelus and Quîncîn. Lex and Christa stood there, expressions weary and perplexed.

"Who's that ?" Christa asked as she motioned towards Quîncîn, the latter still silent - a murderous expression on his face. I was relieved to finally see the two awake and well. Christa seemed to be her normal, invigorous self again. Hazel eyes shining with excitement and vitality. Lex however, looked a little intimidated by the amount of male Lespharian eyes on her and appeared truly grateful when the attention soon dissipated from them and was directed back on Quîncîn. We all wanted the same explanation as to why Quîncîn followed us. The Lesphares was aware of it and rolled his eyes.

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