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warning: graphic case description, blood

I slipped out of bed early the next morning to get ready for work. I gave Spencer a gentle goodbye kiss on his forehead, trying my best not to wake him from the slumber he so desperately needed.

His eyes fluttered open and he groaned, "do you have to leave yet?"

"Yeah, I have to get to work," I sighed.

"Please stay, just 5 more minutes," he pleaded, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the back of his hands.

He didn't ask for, nor did he want my pity. He just wanted to exist in the same space as me. "Alright, fine. But only 5 minutes or else I'll be late," I conceded with barely any convincing.

We both smiled as he grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him, kissing me intensely as if that one kiss would make me throw off my responsibilities and stay in bed with him all day. I really wished I could. I wanted to be able to experience that domestic fantasy I had scarcely let myself explore previously.

But we had another case and I had already taken off too much time without being the one who was actually sick, so I had to leave. Spencer could swing another couple of days, or at least until we got back from wherever we were traveling this time.

"I gotta go, Spence," I mumbled as he trailed kisses down my neck, leaving little purple bruises in his wake. His lips disconnected from my neck, and I placed a small kiss on his lips, jumping off of the bed before he had another chance to pull me back in. I don't know if I'd be able to resist, that time.

I parked in my usual spot in the parking garage and checked appearance in the mirror. Thankfully, my makeup was barely affected, and the hickies on my neck so small that my hair would hide them. Content with how I looked, I walked upstairs.

I arrived through the glass doors of the BAU to an assault of questions.

"How's the kid, y/l/n?" Morgan got to me first.

"He's doing better. They have him on all sorts of antibiotics, and they finally seem to be working, which is good." I was in a room full of profilers, but I still hoped they wouldn't pick up on my lie.

"I feel bad, we would've come to see him, but we just got back from a case last night," JJ apologized.

"Yeah, no worries. He knows you guys would've been there if you could've." I gave JJ my most reassuring smile.

Eager to avoid any other questions, I went and settled at my desk. Noticing me alone, Emily walked over and asked, "is that where you went Saturday?"

I hesitated, "uh- yeah, actually. He couldn't leave his place and needed a couple things from the drug store." Another half lie. Damn, I was getting good at that.

"Conference room, now," Hotch ordered from the balcony before walking into the room. "Reid won't be joining us, he's still out sick. Garcia?" He motioned to her to start presenting the case as we all entered and took our usual seats.

"Well, hello my fabulous furry friends! I wish I had happier news for you this morning, but alas, that is not in our job description." She took a brief pause to set up the graphics on the monitor behind her. "Two families have been killed in the suburbs of Chicago over the last week. Both parents and the kids all had their throats slashed. The second family was just killed last night." She clicked through the gruesome crime scene photos. "There were no signs of forced entry to the house."

"Was there a connection between the families?" Morgan asked.

"I've found bubkis, but I'll keep looking just for you, hot stuff," she winked at him in her bubbly, flirtatious manner.

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