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a/n: sorry this is a short one, but it's the setup for the rest of the story!

Reid and I had been hooking up for a couple weeks now. Despite being surrounded by people whose literal job it was to read others, we managed to keep our secret so far.

We had made it a rule to not have sex while on a case, generally opting to head back to his place immediately after returning to Virginia. He had made it very obvious that he wanted to see my apartment, so time I would suggest his instead, I could tell he was disappointed. I just wasn't ready to bring him there.

However, while not on a case, our interactions at work mostly consisted of standing a little too close in the break room, stolen glances, and smiles across the bullpen.

Occasionally, if I wasn't too behind on paperwork, I would spend my lunches at his desk as he tried – and failed – to teach me how to play chess. I knew exactly how to push his buttons until he would eventually give up, saying I was the worst chess player he'd ever seen.

"But what's the point of playing when you're gonna beat me every time?!"

"Y/n, the point is to learn! It's more fun to beat someone that knows how to play!"

I probably should've actually put some effort into learning the rules, but I really couldn't care less about chess. It was just nice to have some harmless fun laughing with (and at) him.


The next case was in Annapolis, so JJ told me I didn't need a go bag. I was relieved to not be traveling this week.

Arriving for the day, I walked through the glass doors and saw the BAU crawling with people in military uniforms. What the hell happened?

I ran up to the round table room where everyone was waiting for me. The woman, introduced as the Chief of Special Pathogens with the CDC, didn't hesitate to begin as she said that 25 people had been hospitalized yesterday with suspected Anthrax infections.

"Within the first 10 hours, the first victim died." JJ said.

"But anthrax doesn't kill this fast." Reid stated without a second thought.

"This strain does. The spores were weaponized to an ideal infectious agent that attacks deep in the lungs."

I shot Reid a concerned look as he frantically flipped through the file for any helpful information.

Hotch interjected and added "our offices will serve as a small command center for Defense. We'll be working with military scientists from Fort Dietrich. Reid, go to the hospital and interview the victims. Y/n and Morgan, there's a hazmat team that will accompany you to the crime scene." He gestured down at the table. "There's cipro. Everybody needs to take it before we go."

"We don't know if it's effective against this strain, but it's better than nothing." The woman confessed.

I threw back the pill and Reid gave me an uncertain look as we parted ways.

Morgan and I arrived at the crime scene to men halfway dressed in hazmat suits. One of them approached us and said "Hot zone and surrounding areas have been neutralized. You're safe here."

We walked around the crime scene and didn't find much information to add to the profile, so we got back in the SUV and drove to the BAU.

Morgan, Hotch, Rossi, Prentiss, and I presented what little we knew about this unsub. Immediately after, an employee of the Defense Department approached us. "I think there's something you need to see."

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