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a/n: Spencer's pov of ch.17

warning: gun violence, blood, death/dying

"I'll be right back," y/n smiled and hopped out of the car.

Her music was still playing over the speakers as I sat in the passenger seat and watched the traffic pass by through the car window. I typically only listened to classical music, but I liked hers too. I liked everything about her.

The sound of my phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts. It was y/n's ringtone. She had set a special one for her number weeks ago so that any time I heard it I would know it was her. I joked (a rare occurrence, but I couldn't help it) that then I would immediately know not to answer my phone.

I answered it, but before I could say anything, she whispered, "call Hotch. The bank is being robbed; t-there's a man and a woman and they're taking hostages. Please help, Spen-"

And then nothing. "Y/n! Do you have your gun? Are you okay?" I yelled until the dial tone sounded. I fumbled with my phone, dropping it between my feet before I finally dialed Hotch's number.

"SSA Aaron Hotchner."

"Hotch, there's a bank robbery in progress at the Wells Fargo on 600 Maryland Ave. They're holding hostages and... y/n is one of them."

"How do you know? Has the police been dispatched?"

"I-I'm outside. I was waiting in the car. She called me but I don't know if the police are coming."

"I'll gather the team. We're on our way. And Spencer, do not go in until we get there. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, I understand. Please hurry," I begged. I know I won't be able to handle losing y/n after I finally got her. I finally told her how I felt, and we were happy.

The police, SWAT, and all of the available FBI agents in a 5-mile radius descended on the scene within minutes. The team, including Garcia, arrived a short while later. She wasted no time setting up in the surveillance van and hacking into the security feed.

"She'll be okay, Spencer," Prentiss placed her hand on my shoulder to try and comfort me. It didn't work; the only thing that could bring me comfort right now is seeing y/n alive.

I stayed right by Garcia's side, watching the events unfold inside.

"Garcia, we need to open up a secure line of communication," Hotch ordered.

I couldn't focus on anything but the sight of y/n sitting on the ground with the other hostages. Seeing her didn't bring as much comfort as I had hoped. She was still in there, defenseless. I would've done anything to trade places with her. She didn't deserve any more hurt in this lifetime.

I examined every inch of the computer screen as she talked to the male unsub. He soon left the screen with two women: I'm assuming bank employees. "Garcia, can you pull up any other cameras inside?"

"It's almost like you don't know me." With a couple presses of her keyboard, another security camera popped up on the screen and showed the man in the vault shoving stacks of cash into a duffel bag. Two lifeless bodies laid on the ground next to him.

Seemingly content with the amount of money he collected, the man went back to the lobby.

Hotch stood right next to me as he spoke with the woman unsub, yet I didn't hear a single word he said. All I saw was the end of the man's gun connecting with y/n's face, sending her unconscious to the floor.

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