30. Child-Care is Hard

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Y/n pointed to the Takoyaki stall just on the streets.

Toga, who was carrying Y/n happily ran into the stall and casually pick whatever Y/n wanted.

The child who can take over the world with just its bare cuteness. Taking the food, Y/n decided to walk while eating, Himeko watching her the same as how Mei looked at her. In front of them walked the other villain casually without their costume or in disguise since some are considered wanted.

And of course, the whole ordeal wouldn't be over without the camera.

Some people are even glancing at the foreign child softly. Some literally dangling a candy but of course she had her 'body guards' with her that all attempts of kidnapping were stopped... thus, the candies that they tried to bait her with were all paid twenty or more times as compensation.

Who could ever be happier than this former infinity stone-slash-15 year old support student that is now in the body of a 5 year old child?

"You look very adorable." Another female approached Toga and Y/n.

The young blonde smiled from the compliment for her 'little sister'. "I know right?!! She's so cute, it's so hard not to notice!" She replied to the female who came.

The new comer nodded. "I'm from a modeling agency. I saw potential in her so please feel free to drop by the company!" She took out a calling card out of her wallet and gave Y/n a light pinch on her little chubby soft cheek.

"Modelling? Doesn't that mean my baby little Y/n is going to wear tons of cute clothes and different kind of hairstyles?" Toga suddenly inquired wonderingly.

The female nodded. "Yes! We have a lot of branded children's clothes that I'm sure will fit her!" She placed a hand on Toga's shoulder enthusiasically and pointed into one of the tall buildings on the streets. "Different cute pastel colors for princess dresses, cute fairy dresses, different accessories, casual clothings, formal wears, local wears, traditional kimono and modernized cute kimono! Some elemental hero costumes and some badass ones!" She explained.

And it seemed that Toga was mesmerized by the offer. Her eyes were sparkling, shifting both those excited look on the league, the 5 year old Y/n and to the female who's offering the modeling career.

The little child grumbled a tired sigh. Toga... will be the death of her.

"No." The little girl's cute voice spoke.

"Eeeehhh~ but I want you to try them!!!!" Himeko complained.

She took another mouthful piece of Takoyaki. "No."

"... sushi." Dabi randomly said out loud.

"Okay." Y/n quickly replied and went towards Dabi who took the opportunity to cary her in his arms before Toga attempted choked(nearly killed) the child in her tight embrace.

The woman chuckled. "That's just cute." She awed the little girl frowning from distress ober Toga's enthusiasm.




"Okay that angle is the best--wait this? Or this?"

"No. I got the best ones here!" Another photographer entervened waving the images to the other.

Y/n ignored the ordeal once more and ate the sushi Dabi bought/robbed for her in the corner of the room. She faced and stuck her forehead on the wall just like how she learned it from the one and only Tamaki while the rest watched her thinking that she was sulking because she didn't want to dress up in the first place.

After finishing her food, she made her way back into the sofa and sat beside Toga who was admiring much of the pictures taken of her.

"So cuuute!! Baby Y/n is the best!" She came to hug the girl who seemed to have drifted away from her original goal... to live a lowkey life.

Her scale has already been disrupted by much greater heights that even lowkey life can't even reach... the sacred holy existence of food.

Food > Lowkey life = Shameless (lol. What?)

Now that food is greater than lowkey life and Y/n only had to choose one of those, she'd be shamelessly doing what she was told to do like this modelling and showing to the world her face despite not wanting to be the center of attention. But for food's sake... she'll endure it. She'll grow back in size after formulating the solution from Mei's experiment either ways...

Because actually, all through out the photoshoot... the girl has been eating and eating while being photographed.

The angel picture taken of her as an example, she has a feather in her hand that is placed in between her lips while looking  slightly to her right side. And that feather was a molded candy from a quirk of someone at the design department.

After the fight between photographers, they just decided to go on and make the extra photos as merlchandise in case the child goes popular.

Surprisingly, Y/n was paid with a generous amount of money to support a week long of her snacks addiction and was escorted out properly outside the buildings.

Everytime they passes by, people would turn their heads to that child who did nothing but eat and steal hearts.

"Look at all these cuties, dear Y/n!" Toga showed her the copies of the photos she got. The different moods Y/n portrayed while eating was surprisingly accurate despite just... eating.

"Miss Stone! It's the start of the meeting. I hope you're not slacking--oh why did I say that. You're a slacker." Ultron's voice spoke on her necklace while she ate a litter tub of ice cream. "Please teleport back immediately. We don't have time to drag you here ourselves."

"I'm eating." Y/n replied with her little voice.

"Miss Stone!" The AI's voice was in a form of gasp. "You sound undeniably child-like! Are you really Miss Stone?" He asked.

"You stupid..." y/n didn't continue her thoughts and just ate another spoonful.

"Y/n~ let's go dress you uuuup!" Himeko enthusiastically pointed to the mall to the former teen's horror. It's tiring! No more!

Almost instantly, her hair glowed blue and teleported towards the said meeting on the conference room of the school.

The girl fell to her usual seat that made everyone stood in shock. Not only did a child fell out of nowhere, but she also fell on Endeavor's lap who happens to be on fire. Quickly, the number two hero carried her up to take her away from the flames that might have burned her. A scene so familiar in the author's head that she referenced from the lion king.

"What the--"

"A kid?!"

"Morgan?!" The avengers shouted in shock from the familiar child who looked like Tony's four year old. And they couldn't believe it.

Y/n looked at everyone else and took another spoonful of icecream in her mouth.

"Morgan, how did you get here?!" Tony asked, running his way towards the child he thought was his'.

"Y/n." The child replied sheepishly.

"What? Y/n brought you here?" Endeavour handed the child to the multi-millionaire hero confused as the other heroes as well.

"Ah. It seems like you are Miss Stone. Why did you shrink? Can the stones do that too?" Ultron asked.

"Wait... this kid... is Y/n?" Hawks asked wide eyed.

"Yes. According to my scanner, this child's body composition is clearly miss Stone's."

Everyone were even more shocked by the turn of events. Because not only then that they are facing the strongest person here, but that strongest and youngest among them happened to look even younger than she already is.

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