05. Stones Being A Prince Charming

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"Drone, trial number 2. I lighten the base with thinner metal. I've also extended the propellers. The fisheye lense camera should probably be better in capturing high quality imagery as well heightening the megapixels to 80..."

Y/n checked the boxes on her list before taking the drone out of the box carefully. Her legs crossed on the school grassy backyard, a few snacks beside her and a control and autopilot button.

She took a sip on her boba before standing up to fly her spy drone. She pressed her on button letting the propellers started rolling that created a circle shape on top of it. It began to fly up while she looked at the navigation through the camera attached to it.

Crunch, crunch

Y/n began to munch some chips as well while allowing the drone to monitor the place. Ultron stood beside her, holding a boba in his iron hands which the girl added to its interface. She was quite satisfied with what she did as she chilled through the school back yard.

Her controls were faring well around the forestry as if she was playing a game. Munching chips while travelling on the controllers until her drone hit a paw that caused it to silt something and everything in sight were green leaves.






Shinso Hitoshi look up after a short nap hearing the sound of a cat meowing somewhere close by.

His indigo hair sweeping througg the wind, following the turns of his head as he search said cat until he heard a scratch atop a tree.

He looked up. Exactly as he found the cat sitting on a tree branch while patting something blackish beside it. The orange tabby cat meowed again.

"Ho. How did you get yourself there, bud?" Shinso asked softly, coming close to the tree. He then began to climb hardly as he held tight on every branch he touched on it, making sure that it won't snap and get himself hurt in the process.


The cat once again spoke. It started tapping the item in question as if he was inspecting it. Its green nocturnal eyes turned to Shinso who was working hard on climbing for him, but his eyes turned back to the black item more curiously than the human who was trying to help him.

A few moments later, the boy with indigo hair finally reached the same branch tabby cat had sat on. Shinso slowly crept forward, outstretching the farthest his hand coulď reach until he was able to feel it's small paw. He leaned more forward again, his feet the only one supporting him on the branch.

"Hey cat, what'cha got there?" He asked, noticing the black thing that apperantly stuck on the leaves. He saw some propellers as well and realized that it was some type of drone.

Well, his priority is the cat so it's the first one he took.


Shinso felt like his unlucky day had come. His sweat dropped upon hearing the branch he was sitting on cracked. "Let's leave." He pressed the cat on his stomach securely as he held another branch. Slowly standing up to climb down.

But yes. Today marks as his unlucky day as he slipped on it. He tried to grab on the branch but also had his hand ending up sliding as he fell together with the cat and the drone.

He closed his eyes shut, embracing the cat and bracing for impact.

It's going to hurt.

Why is it so long?

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