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My thoughts for the rest of the afternoon are a mess. I keep wondering why Tanner turned so cold toward me after we kissed. Surely he's not jealous of Ben? He doesn't even like me.

He's also made it clear that he likes to sleep with as many girls as possible, and I wouldn't put it past him if that's all he was after, as he was trying to do the exact same thing at the restaurant. Only that time I didn't let him succeed.

I rub my temples, wondering how I let myself get in such a sticky situation.

"How are you doing?" Zara asks, hugging my side, clearly knowing where my mind has drifted off to.

Since arriving back at my dorm room with Ben, Zara was quickly filled in on my "rendezvous" in the psychology aisle with Tanner.

I shake my head, annoyed that my thoughts have taken me back to the library again. "Fine."

"You need to forget about that asshole. I don't know what has gotten into him, but the next time I see him, I'll make sure to kick him in the balls for what he said to you."

"You don't need to do that."

I'm beyond grateful for her wanting to look out for me, but the last thing I want is for her to fall out with Tanner as well. I'd feel beyond guilty if I came between their friendship.

"Just give the word, and I will. That boy needs to come down a few pegs," she winks.

"Is she always like this?" Ben asks with an amused expression on his face while leaning back on Zara's bed on the other side of the room.

"All the time," I drawl.

"And you wouldn't want me any other way," she sing-songs.

Ashamedly I nod my head. I wouldn't.

An alarm sounds on Zara's phone, and she slides the bar across silencing it. "Right kids, I have to get down to pole class. You can order pizza for eight as I'll be walking back at that point."

"Extra pepperoni?" Ben jests, knowing that Zara hates that topping.

She quickly flips him the bird before throwing her gym bag over her shoulder. "If you put any pepperoni on my pizza, I will throw it at your face."

"Fine. Salami it is," he goads further.

Zara rolls her eyes at his jibe. "Seriously, Leah. I don't know how you survive an entire day with him."

"Me neither."

Ben holds his hand over his chest as if he's in pain, but his laughter shows me he's not taking any stock in what I say.

I look at my two new best friends and give a small smile. I love how easily they can get me out of a funk and help me sit back and relax. I never expected to find two people who I could be so close with, especially in such a short period of time. Now I couldn't imagine my life without them being in it.

Zara bends down and gives me a quick embrace before opening the door, connecting to the hallway. "Au revoir, guys," Zara salutes before slamming the door behind her.

Ben doubles over on her bed, howling with laughter. I giggle along with him, entertained by the tears streaming down his face.

Even though I love spending time with Zara, I'm glad I get to have a bit of downtime with Ben outside of class.

"What do you want to do for the next two hours?" he asks me breathlessly.

"We can watch a movie on my laptop if you want? I downloaded Grease the other night."

I power down my phone and put it on my desk, so I don't get any interruptions during the movie.

"That's Toby's favorite. He'll be so jealous when I tell him," he smiles happily.

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