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The moment I wake up in the cabin, my mind replays the memory from the night again and again.

I have to bury my head into my pillow to suppress the low moan as I recall Tanner's lips pressing against my skin in so many different places while everyone else slept obliviously below us in their rooms.

It almost feels like a dream, but from the full feeling of his fingers being inside me and the harsh sting on my nipples from where he pulled them between his teeth tells me just how real last night was. I relish from the exquisite feeling and do a little happy dance inside.

I have never felt such intensity from a guy's touch before. Not that I've had many experiences in the art of seduction. When Shawn and I used to fool around, a lot of the time, I felt like I was just going through the motions. I sometimes wondered if there was something wrong with me when I struggled to get turned on from his touches, but now I know without a doubt that Shawn doesn't hold a tenth of the attraction and expertise that Tanner holds.

Without even trying, Tanner knows exactly which buttons to press to make me moan and shudder beneath him. But then, this could be down to the many girls he's probably bedded in the past. I shake my head and flip onto my back as I fight to rid the horrible thought from my head. Even if Tanner has practiced on a hundred girls, there's no denying the way he was looking at me with adoration. It wasn't just two people fooling around. It felt much more pivotal than that. And I'm not going to let any negative thought ruin what we did.

A light snore sounds in the room, and I tilt my head to the side and see that Zara is still fast asleep. Her long black hair cascades over the pillow and one of her hands is resting on top of it. She must have been hot last night like I was, as she's kicked the covers off her so that they're laying at the end of the bed.

My lip quirks as I look at her. If only she knew what I did with Tanner last night.

I know she's rooting for something to happen between us, and when she finds out that something has happened, she'll go insane. For now, I decide to keep last night's events to myself as I want to hold onto this secret knowledge a bit longer, but I know it won't be long before I spill the beans to her.

Seeing as I'm wide awake and eager to see Tanner, I roll out of bed and plant the balls of my feet on the laminate flooring. Zara doesn't stir at all through this, but I still hold my breath as I lift off the bed and pad along the floor to the door. I gently push the door closed, making the click of the door as quiet as I can before heading up to the deck.

My heart speeds up at the thought of seeing Tanner with his dark hair ruffled from his night's sleep, but my face drops as soon as I realize that only my parents are awake.

"Morning, Leah," my dad greets me when I make it to the table, which is already filled with pancakes, toast, and juice.

He's still in his red plaid pajamas that I bought him two Christmases ago while my mom has gotten dressed and is in another summery dress.

"Morning, Dad. Morning, Mom," I respond as I take a seat next to my mom and pour a glass of OJ.

"Morning, honey," my mom replies, kissing the side of my head.

"I guess everyone is still asleep."

"Well, it is eight-thirty, dear. You college students aren't normally used to waking up this early," my dad quips.

"Funny," I respond deadpan. I grab a piece of toast and take a bite out of it as I look out at the bay.

Even though I'm slightly disappointed that Tanner isn't awake yet, I'm happy that I get to eat my breakfast while looking at this spectacular view. The sun is glistening on the water below, and I can see fish diving out of the water, trying to get hold of the flies buzzing above. The sky is teeming with life too, as a group of seagulls fly by lazily and butterflies and dragonfly's zoom around the bay. "So, what are we doing today?" I ask between bites.

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