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Tanner lifts me off the couch while he continues to kiss me with all the force he has as he carries me backward before balancing me on the edge of the table. I keep my lips firmly fixed against his the entire time, not wanting to break for air. He steps between my legs, and I go one step further and wrap my legs around his back, pulling him flush against me as we continue to make out for the next few minutes.

When we finally part, both gasping from our intense connection Tanner rubs his nose against mine. "That should have been our first kiss."

I rub my nose back against his and smile remembering the disastrous kiss he gave me in the restaurant. "Yeah, it should have, though I'm happy we're both on the same page now."

He chuckles and kisses the tip of my nose. "It only took us fourteen years too."

I casually lift a shoulder. "People do say delayed gratification is the best."

Taking my face between his hands he leans in and pauses just before his lips meet mine. "Absolutely." He then captures my lips with his and kisses me with even more vigor than before.

As the time passes between us we become more confident and I soon feel Tanners hand slide under my top and anticipation builds within me as he slowly edges his way up to my chest. His fingers skim beneath my left breast and I softly moan against his lips.

"You're so beautiful, Leah," Tanner breathes, pulling his head back slightly to look in my eyes.

I give a shy smile and lower my head, creating a curtain around us with my long hair. Tanner soon takes the lead again and kisses me softly while his hand moves further up my skin and cups my left breast. I whimper when he squeezes my flesh and kneads my breast with his hand and in return, I grip the nape of his neck and graze his ear with my teeth.

Tanner lets out a low groan, deep from the back of his throat, and I feel the vibrations travel through me from his chest against mine. He removes his hand from my breast and places it on my lower back, while his other hand skims its way down my stomach, leaving tingles in his wake.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this," he murmurs against my neck.

"I can imagine."

He grins and plants a feather of kisses down my neck, making me moan quietly in pleasure. I arch my back, giving him better access to me, and he smiles against my skin.

He continues to move his hand lower and pulls on the elastic of my cotton shorts and slowly buries his hand beneath me, making my body visibly shudder.

"Is this okay?" he asks quietly, checking in with me.

I nod my head. "Yes."

Happy with my response he kisses me again, swirling his tongue around mine before slipping a single finger inside me. After a few minutes, he places a second finger inside me and I moan in response.

"Shh, baby, you'll wake everyone in the bay up."

I bite on the back of my hand to muffle a breathy giggle and focus on trying to stay quiet as Tanner continues to touch me. Suddenly, my walls tighten, and a burst of energy releases within me, sending shock waves through my entire body.

My moans are muffled by Tanner's lips as I come down from my high and lie against him for a minute, too stunned to move. The way I'm resting against him, I can feel the outline of his hardness. I move my hand down his chest and Tanner catches my hand and kisses my palm.

"Don't you want me to?" I ask slightly embarrassed and hurt from his refusal.

He pulls my head back from his shoulder, so he can look me in the eye. "Believe me, I want you to, but I want to show you I can be good."

"Maybe I don't want you to be good," I tease.

He drops his head forward and grumbles. "You're killing me."


He chuckles lowly and kisses my lips. "That's it, bed time," he tells me, pulling on my hand so that I slide off the table.

I roll my eyes. "Fine."

As I balance my shaky legs Tanner does a deep, throaty chuckle, then places his two digits in his mouth and hums.

My lips part. "I can't believe you just did that"

"Does it bother you?" he asks, lifting a brow.

Does it? "No."


"We should get back to our cabins before someone realizes we're up here," he whispers.

The immediate thought of being caught after what we just did makes me blush. "Yeah, that sounds like a wise decision."

He continues to hold my hand as he walks me back to my bedroom for the night, and when we make it outside my door, he leans down and slowly kisses me.

"Good night, Le-Le," he breathes.

I give a sweet smile. I find that his nickname for me doesn't really bother me as much anymore.


I give him a quick kiss on the side of the cheek, and then slip into my room and shut the door close. When I turn to face the beds I see that Zara is still sleeping and has her jaw partly apart as she breathes in and out peacefully.

I sneak to my bed and lie down, staring up at the ceiling, amazed at what just happened. The room is still warm, but I'm hot for all different reasons now.

What do you think of their first intimate scene? Do you think Tanner treated her right at the end?

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