46 : Convergence

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Leon glared at the woman who dared to call herself his mother. She was the cause of all of this. It was because of her that thousands would die.

"Perhaps if you had stayed dead then none of this would be happening," he told her harshly. He was livid and would not hide it. He felt Marc turn to look at him quickly but he kept his eyes on the woman, Natasha. Natasha gasped and took a step back.

"I did it for you," she said, her voice low. "So I could see you again."

"The dead are supposed to stay dead, you have no business being here," Marc added. "You have done a great evil and we need to help the people we love get out of it alive."

"If you cannot help us stop whatever is going on then we have nothing to talk about," Leon continued. As one, the brothers turned and started to walk out of the room.

"Wait," Natasha beseeched them. "Please. Wait."

Without turning around, the boys stopped.

"There may be one thing I can do. Only one. But I ask one thing of you before I do it because after that I will never see you again."

"You dare to ask for anything from us?" Marc said to her, not bothering to turn and face her.

"Please," she begged, tears clogging her voice. "All I ask is that I hold my children in my arms. Just once."


Aida used a spell to unlock all the silver collars from the remaining weres who were locked up in the Establishment. Most of those that had been captured had been turned and sent out to fight. Those who remained were too weak to fight and had been locked up. Fortunately, Tristan's team had managed to develop a quick energy recharge pill that was designed to regenerate anyone who took it.

This was handed out to all the fifty odd weres who had been gathered into one large area. Aida watched as their strength returned slowly, making them stand taller and their eyes brighten a bit more.

"We need to get out of here, now," Samual told them as soon as they had all been given their little magic pill."

"What of the guards?" one of the released weres asked.

Adria smiled simply and told them they had been taken care of. Kian chuckled beside her and her smile widened.

"Come, the portal is this way. We need to get back," Sylvia told them.

They hurried out of the squalid room they had been locked in, moving as fast as they could. Aida could see the relief on their faces and the light in their eyes that showed renewed hope.
When they turned a corner they saw Marc and Leon running in their direction. A red headed woman ran between them. Aida heard Samual growl and they all came to a stop.

"Why?" he asked the twins.

"She is going to help. She owes us that much," Marc explained briefly. There was no trust between them but they had very little choice at the moment.

Aida and Natasha glared at each other for a long second before Samual growled again. "We need to go. Now. Tempest is in trouble."

"We are heading back to the portal," Adria said.

"No need," Natasha said, and then snapped her fingers.

For a moment everything went black and when the light seeped into the darkness again Aida almost wished that the darkness had remained. Natasha had teleported them back to the Lycan Kingdom. She looked around and almost fell to her knees as she saw the bloodbath that they had returned to.

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