14 : Familial Reunion

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Galan knew she was close to him even before her scent reached him. He felt his beast moving to the front of his consciousness, purring in pleasure, and his heartbeat accelerated immediately. He took a deep breath before he turned to face her. When his eyes fell on her perfect form, the same breath locked in his throat and his body forgot the simple task of breathing. Their eyes met and his essence seemed to glow brighter within him.

"Hello, Galan," she said to him and he could not help the smile that rose to his lips at the husky way she spoke. It was only then that his lungs started functioning again. His name on her lips awoke all sorts of sensations within him and his response made him chuckle internally.

"Tempest," he said, noting the same huskiness in his own voice. He watched her, his mate, and despite everything that had happened, he felt happy. He had waited decades for her and she now stood before him again. Less combative this time, which kept him guessing. She was unpredictable and while he never knew what direction she was going to take next, he waited in expectation.

"Can we talk?" she asked after what seemed to be forever.

"Of course," he said. "Would you like to walk with me?"

She nodded, dropping her eyes from his, her long lashes hiding the sky blue that was her eyes. He knew it was not submission. It was probably nerves, the same nerves he was feeling from being so close to her and wanting to wrap his arms around her. To hold her close to his chest, to feel her beating heart against his, her breath on his neck.

He turned slightly and they started walking slowly across the garden. Her lilac dress brushed against him as she walked and he couldn't help but wish it was her arm that brushed against his. He took a deep breath and her scent washed over him, calming the beast that was pacing furiously within him. He rolled his eyes as the animal seemed to roll over, belly up.

They walked for a few minutes in silence. Galan did not want to rush her so he kept quiet, waiting for her to speak first.

"I'm sorry," she finally said. His head whipped in her direction so fast he almost got whiplash. "I did not do right by you. I had reasons but ..." She took a deep breath. "I should never have done what I did."

Galan nodded, his eyes still on her. His heart soared within him and a weight lifted off his entire being. His beast yelped and seemed to be doing cartwheels in his head and he chuckled at it. He didn't care though. His mate was here with him and that was all that mattered. She finally lifted her eyes to his and he saw so much conflict in them that his joy was suddenly muted. He wished he could say something smart and philosophical to lighten her mood but he came up with nothing. Nada. Zip.

"I am here for you, Tempest," he said. "Whatever is within me to give you, I will." She cast him a surreptitious little look and he smiled at her. "All I ask is that you talk to me." She nodded at him as they continued walking. In the distance, a waltz came on and he smiled, stopping next to her.

"May I have this dance?" he asked her. The surprise that came off of her made him chuckle. "What? You have two left feet?" he teased her, and was gratified to hear her soft laugh.

She took a deep breath and put her hand into the one he held out to her. He pulled her gently into his arms, making sure he kept a modest distance between them, despite the urge to hold her closer. Her hand felt so comfortable in his, his hand on her waist felt like it was finally home. He slowly moved to the music, the Viennese Waltz, and relished her being in his arms.

She fitted so well to him. She was tall and reached his chin. Not many women he knew were as tall as she was. He kept his hand strictly on the small of her back, respecting her enough to know that she would break his arms if he moved it a millimeter lower. They swayed softly to the music, neither speaking, each one with a million thoughts racing through their minds.

"You dance well," she mumbled.

He laughed, his chest rumbling. "Why would you think I would not?"

She too chuckled, looking up into his hazel eyes. "Making small talk, I suppose."

He hummed in agreement, understanding her need for conversation. It would silence the many thoughts racing through his mind. He loved her voice. So soft and alluring, speaking only to him, for him. They danced in silence for a while, the music surrounding them seeming to seal them in their own little world.

As the song came to an end, Galan held her in his arms and looked down at her. He thought her breath caught in her throat but he could not be sure. All he knew was that he could gaze upon her forever and not tire of it. He licked his suddenly dry lips and then took a deep breath as he watched her eyes follow the movement of his tongue. Her pupils seemed to dilate as she stared at him and her breath quickened.

He felt his own breath hitch and his lips seemed to gravitate towards hers on their own accord. Slowly his lips descended as hers rose to his. Their breaths mingled, the Siren's call of their essence pulling them ever close. Just as his lips brushed hers she gasped and pulled back, breathing heavily.

It was then that he too caught the scent. His beast bristled within him and he quickly looked around, trying to see what it was that his nose had caught a whiff of. His mate looked stunned beside him as she looked frantically around for the source of the scent. He heard her heartbeat speed up and her breathing quickened instantly.

"He's here!" she gasped, and he could not tell whether it was fear, panic or hope in her voice. He felt his beast growl within him though, as he picked up that her attention was held by another male.

"Who is here?" he asked as he moved closer to her.

For a moment, she did not respond and he watched as she froze when her eyes fell on a lone creature which was looking at them from a distance. His eyes snapped back to hers as she continued to stare at the lone were which was standing, as though in defiance, and steadily watching them.

"Who is it, Tempest?" he asked again and he could not hold back the sharpness in his voice. She turned to him, as though dazed, and one word was drawn from her lips.

"My father."

He turned to her in confusion. "Your father?" he asked and then felt stupid. She nodded.

"I thought he was dead. I need -"

Galan understood immediately. He pulled her into a quick hug and then released her. "Go to him. I'm right behind you."

She cast a shocked look in his direction. She stared at him for a moment longer and then, with a wide smile, she was gone. He was still shocked at how fast she could move and he took pleasure in knowing just how amazing she was.

"Reed. Otis.I need backup. Bring the best men we have. If Tempest's father fights the way she does, we may not stand a chance."

As he leapt into his Lycan form and chased after Tempest, he had a feeling that things were about to get a lot worse than he had ever imagined. 


12 October 2020


Hello, dear reader.

This is the first note I have written in this story, just to say that I appreciate your following Tempest and Galan’s story. I have had a number of different directions I wanted to take this story but I think it's taking shape. There are lots of new characters I will introduce who I hope you will love (or hate!) as much as I do.
I really am excited and can't wait for you to meet them!! Stay tuned!

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