40. This Means War

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As Tempest, Enoch, Marc and Leon headed back to the rest of the Royals, the screams started. Something exploded ahead of them and the room went dark.

As Tempest looked around her, a portal opened ahead of them and beasts started coming out of it. She felt her eyes widen as creature after creature came out of the portal. She pulled Marc and Leon arm's, forcing them to stop.

"We can take them," Leon whispered, but he didn't sound sure. These were not normal weres and their sheer size was daunting.

"There's too many," Tempest said as she took a step back, pulling her brothers with her. "We need to find the others and get out of here."

She cast a quick look at Enoch and saw him nod. The four headed quickly towards the entrance, away from the intimidating group of modified supers. The screams had stopped, as though the people in the building were aware that any noise could get them killed.

There were no warriors here and Tempest needed to get these intruders out of the hospital before innocents got hurt. It was crucial to do this while they waited for their plan to kick in. She urged her brothers and Enoch to move quickly to the main entrance of the hospital. After she made sure they were almost there she turned back and faced the open portal.

"Hey!" she yelled.

Yellow eyes turned towards her and she felt worry course through her. If these were samples of what was to come they were in serious trouble. As they turned and headed in her direction, she ran towards the entrance, towards where the trio stood.

"Hurry," she said when she reached them. "We have to go."

The words stuck in her throat as they ran out the entrance of the hospital and she saw what had frozen the men ahead of her in place. Everywhere she looked portals were opening and the enemy was marching into their home turf with the surety of a war already won.

Hundreds of modified weres and vampires marched into the Kingdom of the Lycans and Tempest felt real fear fill her heart for the second time in her life.

"Galan," she called out to him. "We are under attack."


When Natasha had woken him up a few hours earlier and told him it was time, Noah's heart had filled with pride as he thought about all the havoc he was about to unleash on the supernatural world. He had planned this for so long, for so many years. Despite his rapidly beating heart, he was strangely calm.

He did not want to think about Liam and Victoria's betrayal. They were family but he would deal with them later. Use them as an example of what happened to those who went against him. At that moment, however, the one thing he had on his mind was the upcoming victory. He would not, could not lose.

As Natasha floated above Noah, drawing energy from him, he had felt his essence, and that of his people, seeping into her succubus state. He needed her to open the portals so he did not mind at all. It would take him a while to recover but that was fine with him.

When she was done, she let him rest for a bit to get his energy back while she focused her powers, getting ready to use them. The plan was simple. Open portals to every supernatural village he had identified and have his modified super supernaturals go in and kill every creature in that village. Man, woman, child. None was to be spared.

He had gathered his Druids, watched them get ready by lining up his army in front of the areas where Natasha would open the portals. Each group would be sent to a different area. All the Weres, Vampires, Fairies, Elves, Witches, Nymphs, Sprites, Ogres, Sylphs, Mermaids. All of them. He intended to kill everything that was not human. Every single one of them.

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