Chapter 27: Everything goes to Tartarus

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I quickly opened the door, pulled the pin and chucked the flash grenade inside, closing the door almost immediately. The bang and the loud yells were the background noise as I threw open the door once more and we shot the 4 people inside with relative ease before they had even recovered from the flash and bang.

"Find them." Liam whispered to me and pushed me gently towards the computers while he kept a look out for any approaching people. 

I sat down and almost subconsciously, my fingers flew across the keyboard. I quickly found the cells that contained my brothers and after mapping the way to them, I typed in the code that would delete the day's recording and then plugged in the flash drive that contained the virus. The computer shut down immediately and I pushed away from the table, going over to Liam. He peeked out of the door and seeing that it was all clear, we both sprinted out from the room in the direction of the holding cells. 

"In here." I pointed to the unmarked door, breathless after the sprint from one corner of the room to the other. I threw open the door and ran down the stairs.

"Who is that? State your name!" Came a male voice from beyond the corridor that stretched in front of us. I raised the gun and fired just as the guard ran into view. He went down like a sack of potatoes. I bent down to retrieve the keys as we breezed past him as we ran towards the holding cells. The guys inside looked up when they heard the pounding footsteps and their eyes widened in shock. I reached for the key and jammed the keys in the lock, turning it with a satisfying click.

I threw open the door and the Triplets stoop up and they trapped me between them in a bear hug, but I didn't mind. They were safe now. Bruised and battered but safe.

"You are actually here." Aiden murmured in a revered tone and I frowned, surprised.

"Yeah, we didn't think-" Hayden started but cut himself off.

I drew back with a frown.

"Did you think that just because we had a disagreement, I will not come to rescue your sorry self? How petty do you think I am? I am your sister. I'll always have your back, no matter what." I replied sternly but my heart was breaking. Did they honestly think that I was going to leave them here?

"Now come on. We need to get to Dalia." I told them and Aiden's eyes lit up.

"Dalia's here? I haven't seen her in forever!" He breathed and I smiled at his excitement. I knew how much Dalia meant to him. Though we had a close bond, it was Dalia and Aiden that got along best while I stuck with Logan and Levi.

"Come on, idiotas. Let's get out of here." I told them before we made our way out of the cell. Liam greeted Aiden with a hug before they parted and Aiden was given a dart gun as we told them the plan.

Liam took the lead, while I took the end. The triplets were in the middle, too weak to put up much of a fight. We crept out of the basement and made our way back to the office we entered from. But the building was designed in such a way that to go anywhere, we had to go through the training gym in the middle of the building. We had to blend in and get out of there before all Tartarus breaks loose.

We managed to get to the landing before the gym when things started to go wrong and all hell broke loose.

As we crept along the hallway, we heard the approaching shouts of at least 20 men. Liam exchanged a panicked look with me and I managed to slip into the room right beside me unnoticed.

The others were not that lucky. I heard the sound of scuffling and shouting as the men pounced on the intruders. I took a deep breath as I scanned the room, looking for a place to hide in case someone saw me slide into the room. I threw myself under the bed, thanking all the gods up above that I was skinny enough to fit and made myself as small as I could in the back. The door opened slightly and I waited with bated breath as the man's boots stopped just inside the room.

"No one here, boss." Came the deep, gravelly voice and I willed myself to remain still though all I wanted to do was shiver in loathing.

"Must have imagined it then." Came a distant voice and the man in the room retreated outside, leaving the door ajar as he left. I let out a deep breath I had been holding and crawled out from underneath the bed. 

Everything had absolutely and positively self-destructed.

I took a deep breath as I strained my ears to hear anything from the outside. On hearing nothing, I took out my phone and shot off a text to Dalia, telling her what had happened and to stay put and that I would handle it.

I sighed wearily as the panic gripped me. I pushed all my emotions to the back of my mind as I checked the Glock and walked out of the room warily.

I crept towards the gym, knowing that it was my best shot to find where they are. I snuck in through the open door, sticking to the shadows in the back with the boxes and boxes of ammunition that lined the walls.

The sight in front of me elicited a tiny sharp gasp from me that thankfully went unheard.

Third to the last chapter! We're almost there everyone. And you will hate me after this. Trust me.

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