Chapter 24: Welcome Home, Sister.

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I picked up my favourite and loaded the first clip and stepped right in front of the target. I took a deep breath and leveled the gun. I saw the rest of the occupants of the room scramble to put on the earmuffs and goggles out of the corner of my eye. I focused my gaze on the smug grin on that cabrón and fired six shots successively. My anger was pulsing through my veins. How dare he try to harm my family! I'm going to end him. He'll rot in a prison for the rest of his life for this.

I took a deep breath and turned to the others who were gaping at me. I ignored their look and left the gun on the table, kissed Liam's cheek and walked out of the room. I went over to the living room where the two hackers were typing away on their laptops, too focused on the job to think or acknowledge anything else. I grabbed my laptop and started compiling the information and almost groaned in annoyance. I only had one-third of it for security reasons, one-third I could get from Aiden's laptop remotely. It was the last one-third that would take time, patience and sarcasm. 

I called the number and set the phone on the table on speaker and continued my work. Seb shook his head slightly in frustration as I knew that there was no way Miles would have been stupid enough to let them have trackers but it was worth a shot.

The phone was picked up after seven rings.

"Took you long enough." I scoffed and I could here distant sounds of fighting in the background.

"I swear to everything that is holy that if if you called me for no reason, Marie, I'm definitely going to kill you!" She exclaimed in her familiar thick English accent above the chaos and I shook my head, swallowing the retort.

"Sorry. Plan Charlie is a go." I replied as I hit one last key and the encrypted code was deciphered and the information that I had was compiled and I started on the information Aiden had.

"Are you serious? Plan Charlie? I never thought that we could ever have to put that into effect." She commented and I heard one last smack of flesh hitting flesh before her voice became louder.

"We wouldn't have had to if that idiot hadn't gotten himself kidnapped." I sighed and she picked up on it.

"What happened this time?" She asked and I was about to answer when Levi let out a yelp. 

"What happened, Levi?" I demanded immediately and he looked up with a frustrated look.

"Nothing. I thought I got in but whoever has put in the security for the cameras knew what they were doing and almost managed to set a virus loose in my computer. Give me another 20 minutes at most and you'll have the footage." He responded and I nodded, turning my attention back to the screen.

"Okay. Back to you. How fast can you get here?" I asked him and she hmmed in contemplation.

"Five hours, give or take a half hour." She replied and I could hear shuffling in the background.

"Get here now, please." I replied, a pleading tone slipping into my voice and she replied affirmative before cutting the call.

"Do I want to know who that was?" Sebastian asked me and I gave him a smile.

"You really don't" I replied and he sighed as he pushed a hand through his hair in frustration.

"I can't do it. Their phones are missing and they left the watches that had trackers at the park." He blew out a frustrated breath and looked up at me sorrowfully. My hopes fell a little but I had anticipated this. Miles was too clever to not chuck the phone and the watch at the first chance he would get. I would get my family back even if it was the last thing I did.

"It's okay, Seb. We'll find them. It was worth a shot." I told him before turning back to my screen. I managed to break through the security system that Aiden had set up fairly quickly and soon I had 2 parts of 3 compiled and waiting for me to end this sick game.

I sat back and thought of other ways I might be able to find them. The trackers were useless now and if they drove off using streets which did not have cameras, they were lost.

"I got it!" Levi cheered and I immediately went to his side. He played the footage and I saw the 7 men struggling with the triplets, finally having to press a chloroform soaked cloth to their nose to get them all inside the van. A jolt of panic went through me when I saw a cut on Hayden's forehead that was gushing blood at an alarming rate. I managed to focus my attention on Aiden just before he passed out and saw him weakly lift his left hand up. My eyes widened as I leaned in closer to see the glint on his finger.

I drew a sharp breath and pounced on my laptop and trying to find the program. I couldn't have deleted it right? I worked feverishly as I tried to find the Tracker in the huge list of programs. My whole body was filled with equal amounts of hope and dread as my fingers flew across the keyboard desperately. 

"Yes!" I shrieked in happiness as the program ran successfully and the tiny blue dot blinked at me innocently from the screen. Everyone came hurrying into the room as they heard my exclamation and I grinned at them.

"I might know where they are." I informed them and they all relaxed a little. The elevator then dinged and we turned towards it just as it opened. The blonde woman walked suavely out of the elevator, her gait easy yet anyone who looked at her would scream and run in the opposite direction. The 22 year old looked at me and her face split into a smile, her brown eyes twinkling with mirth as she held her arms open. I speed-walked across the room and hugged her tight, drawing strength from her.

"Welcome home, sister." I breathed and her grip on me tightened slightly.

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