Chapter 6: I Will Brain You

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When I woke up, I instantly scanned the room I was in. It seemed to be a more or less plain bedroom. I sat up and crept to the door. Weird. I wasn't even in a basement or in a dungeon cell. What considerate kidnappers!

I poked my head out and was met with a long passage which had a number of doors on either side. I needed a weapon if I wanted to investigate so I went back into the room and scanned it's bare furnishing. My eyes zeroed in on what seemed to be a brass lamp beside the dresser. Bingo!

I took it in both my hands and crept out of the door and into the passageway. I couldn't see any cameras but who can resist acting like a spy. So I did just that and started sneaking down the right side of the hallway, sticking to the walls and adding a few rolls to make it more interesting.

I went down a few other hallways and went down a couple of staircases. I ended up in a passage with a lot of paintings put up on the walls. Most were family portraits but a few looked suspiciously like some of Aiden's. I ignored them and my ears picked up a faint murmuring from one of the doors. I gripped the lamp tighter and took a deep breath. I kicked open the door and help the lamp in front of me daring anybody to come near me. I was met with a room full of the similar eyes as mine. A few looked at me coolly, as they eyed the lamp in my hand while others looked at me in amusement.

One of the older ones stepped forward and I immediately brandished the lamp. He raised his hands in surrender as he tried to take another step forward but I cut his movement off.

"One more step and I will brain you." I threatened and he nodded, a little frightened, before retreating.   

"Where is Aiden?" I demanded and a boy stepped forward. He looked exactly like Aiden but I could recognise my older brother anywhere. And this was not him. Especially since he was not wearing the one thing I have never seen him without. The ring.

"I asked you a question. Answer me!" I screamed and a two of them jumped at my raised voice while the others glared at me.

"Aiden and the...other boy are upstairs. They must be waking up soon." The oldest replied and I turned on X who I saw skulking in the corner.

"Who the hell are you?" I demanded and the guy who had tried to approach me first stepped forward once again.

"Just put down the lamp, mariposa. We don't mean any harm to you or your brother. It would be better if he were awake too so that we don't have to repeat the explanation." He said soothingly and I stood down a little warily. Just then the Aiden-lookalike started laughing so hard that he slipped off the counter he was leaning against and ended up on the floor. I stared at him before a smile tugged at my lips because of his infectious laughter. The rest of the people in the room were looking at him in disbelief and humour.

Suddenly the door flew open behind me and Aiden burst in, his eyes wild and his hair a mess. James ran in too while Aiden pulled me back to his side, glaring at the other people in the room.

"Great, we're all here. Now, will someone tell me why we were kidnapped for absolutely no reason. Or should I pull out the lamp again?" I asked and the others chuckled while Aiden and James facepalmed.

"Lex, chérie, I love you. But please shut up." Aiden told me, his eyes trained on the kidnappers as they chuckled. I huffed and crossed me arms. James ruffled my hair and my hand immediately smacked the back of his head as a reflex. He winced as he rubbed the back of his head while muttering about 'violent girls these days that make him happy he is gay'. I glared at him and he gave me an innocent look. I looked up and saw all the boys staring at him with something akin to jealousy in their eyes. Weird.

The guy who looked like the oldest stepped forward.

"Aiden, Alexis, we are your family. Your real family." He said bluntly and two of the boys in the room facepalmed and groaned.

"Really? Rip the band-aid off, why don't you?" The older one sighed. He turned to us.

"Sit down, please. We have a lot to discuss." He continued and nodded to the couch opposite the one in which the Aiden-lookalike and X had settled themselves. Aiden and I exchanged a glance before shrugging and sitting down and James followed us, rolling his eyes.

Now, people may be thinking why we didn't stay away from them or ask for explanations. Thing is, there was not much we could do. We had no weapons if we didn't count the lamp in my hand and there was no way they would let us leave so easily.

"As Samuel put it, we are your brothers. Let's start from the beginning." He started before I interrupted.

"Wait. What are your names? You know ours. It's only fair that we know yours." I reprimanded them and they shrugged. The eldest spoke up.

"I'm Samuel Garcia. I am your oldest brother." He gave us a nod, his eyes holding curiousity.

The one who was going to tell us the story spoke up next. He gave us a beaming smile and replied, "I'm Damian, mariposa. We're so happy you are back." He gushed and we looked at him weirdly and X chuckled.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to him. I'm Sebastian." The other one who had facepalmed after Samuel's statement flashed us a small smile.

"We are Hayden and Jayden. We are Aiden's triplets." The guy who slipped said enthusiastically and Aiden's eyes widened, his eyebrows raising slightly as his mouth dropped open slightly.

"Close your mouth, Aid." I whispered and his mouth snapped closed. He glared at me and I stuck my tongue at him.

X opened his mouth but I cut him off. "You would be my twin. Am I right or am I right?" I asked him with a small smile and he grinned at me.

"You would be correct." He beamed and I am sure that I would be blinded for the rest of my life if he didn't tone it down.

"Now. I want to go to sleep. Where can I do that?" I asked Damian as I got up and stretched and Aiden looked at me in both exasperation and concern. He knew exactly why I was so sleepy the whole day. 

"Didn't you just wake up?" Hayden asked me and my temper snapped.

"Yes. I did. And now I am sleepy again because I don't sleep well at night." I snapped at him and he glared at me.

"What is going on here?" Came a voice from behind me. There was a sudden stabbing pain in my head and my vision turned dark. The last thing I heard was Aiden and James shouting.

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