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"... So, if Medusa had body hair, would each hair be like, normal hair? Or would they be, like— like, fuckin' tiny ass snakes on her arms 'n legs?"

"Shit, you've got a point," Ray whispered to Jude, gasping dramatically. "I think it'd be cooler if she had snakes. All of 'em hissing at ugly cishet men. Imagine."

Letting out a soft groan, Milo took the beer can out of Jude's hands before he could spill it all over the floor, make a mess of Milo's carpets, and make his dad very mad.

"Jude," he mumbled, already feeling the tiredness set in, the tiredness from having to deal with a drunk Jude, a high Ray and Evangeline, and a severely hyperactive Lia. "No more drinking for you."

A small laugh left Jude's mouth as he placed a finger on Milo's lips, or at least, somewhere in the general vicinity of his lips. Then, he slurred, "Mi-lo! 'M fine. Jus' drunk off my fuckin' ass, but I'm vibin'. D'you like my outfit? I like my outfit."

Evangeline hummed, resting her head on Jude's shoulder and releasing a content sigh. A stoned-out-of-her-mind sigh. "I love your outfit, Jude. You're hot."

"You're a real one, Eva," Jude muttered, and before Milo could even think, he was reaching for the beer can in his hand and taking another swig.

Fucking hell.

Deciding that he needed to find some sort of comfort before he lost his mind, Milo turned his head around to scan the house for Xen, the everything in his mind instantly calming down when Xen gave him a small wave and a smile, before going back to talking to Milo's dad.

It was slightly scary how chill his dad was being with Jude drinking, and with Ray and Evangeline getting high off the brownies that they had made, but at the same time, Milo understood.

He knew that his dad preferred it if they got high and drunk at home instead of anywhere else so that he could be around in case something went wrong, and also make sure that they were being safe with their shenanigans.

And to be fair, his dad had asked him if he wanted him to stay home or leave for a while so that everyone could be alone, but of course, Milo had asked him to stay.

So, while Milo fucking hated the fact that almost everyone was either drunk or high, he understood that they enjoyed doing it. And it wasn't really their fault that they were intoxicated, since he had promised that he would drink at least a little bit.

Unfortunately, he had chickened out way after Jude had gotten drunk, and now, he was one of the only sober people in the house.

"Y'know, technically, nipples are just chest zits."

Okay, nope, can't handle this.

Getting up from the couch, Milo made his way over to the kitchen where Faiza was having a conversation with Lia as they made— well, Milo wasn't entirely sure of what the fuck they were cooking, but it looked good, and Xen was still talking to his dad, eyes shining with pure fucking joy.

It was nice— seeing Xen happy. Seeing Xen comfortable.

"Hey," Xen murmured to Milo when he got closer to him, wrapping an arm around him and placing his lips against the top of his head, on his hair. "What's up?"

Milo just chewed on his bottom lip, taking in the drunken scene around him. "I'm—" I can't tell him that I'm not having fun. I am having fun. I just hate drunk people. "Nothing," he finally said, shooting Xen a tiny smile and shrugging.

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