11. invade

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double update! i updated chapter 10 this morning, so if you haven't read that, scroll right up! on w the chapter :)

warning: there is a very slight mention of abuse in this chapter.

it's just in one paragraph in the second section of the chapter, but if it could trigger you, please don't put your mental health at risk. i can give you a recap of the chapter if you need one :) stay safe <3



"No fucking way am I letting you send that text."

Whining softly, Ray shoved Evangeline playfully, and held up his phone for the rest of the group to see. "Look at this text and tell me if y'all approve. I'm sending it to my ex."

Milo knew that he wouldn't be able to read the text, so he didn't even bother. All he did was turn his head around to look at Xen, who was cracking his knuckles, as he peered into Ray's phone.

"There are two ways in which that text could be interpreted," Xen pointed out, causing Evangeline to shake her head.

"Wrong!" Evangeline paused, holding up a finger as she finished chewing her food. Finally, she remarked, "There's only one way in which you can interpret a text as ominous as that."

Xen shook his head. "I've received a text like that twice in my life. Once was because it was the middle of the night, and my ex wanted to fuck me, and once was because the same ex wanted to break up with me. So, two ways."

Now I'm low-key curious about the text. Should I just tell them that I can't fucking read? But do I really want to risk—

"I have dyslexia," Milo blurted out, effectively shutting off his brain. If Jude were here, he'd be so fucking proud. He could feel two pairs of eyes on him, Evangeline's and Xen's, and he desperately wanted to bury himself in a hole. "So if you could read the text out loud, that'd be great. Thanks." Was that too passive aggressive? Possibly.

Mouth parting, Ray nodded, before saying, "Oh shit, dude. I'm sorry, I didn't know. I just asked them if we could talk. Is that a bad text to send, or— ?"

"God, no, don't send that!" Milo exclaimed, chewing on his slice of cold (and floppy) pizza. He'd forgotten to pack his lunch that morning, which resulted in him having to eat the food that the school served. Xen, on the other hand, wasn't eating anything at all, and when Faiza offered him some of her lunch, he just shook his head, claiming that he felt sick.

Milo couldn't shake the feeling that something was extremely wrong. Xen hadn't come downstairs for the rest of the dinner last night, and when Milo texted him, he didn't reply. But Milo knew that he'd seen the message, because they used Whatsapp to text, and Xen's read receipts were on.

Which was surprising. Xen seemed like the kind of person to keep his read receipts off at all times.

Ray sighed. "I genuinely don't understand what's wrong with the message, what the fuck?"

"For starters," Milo began, taking a sip of water. "People are overthinkers. A message like that could make some people anxious. Like, what do you want to talk about? I mean, if I got a message like that, I'd be thinking about it for the rest of the day. So maybe, instead of saying that, you could start with some conversation. Ease them into whatever you want to say."

When Hands TouchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang