30. everything

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Milo had never been on a date before.

Sure, he'd been on dates with his friends— that was what Jude and Evangeline called their little hang-outs, whenever they went out for breakfast together. But he had never been on a date, one that involved a person he had a crush on.

Though it wasn't really a crush anymore. Milo knew that it was way more than a crush. Way more than a crush.

"Oh, that colour would look so fucking hot on you."

Spinning around (and nearly tripping over his own feet in the process), Milo's eyes fell on Xen, only to find him with a towel in his hands, drying his hair, water dripping down onto his bare shoulders.

Honestly, Milo didn't know how long it would take him to get used to how attractive Xen's body was, but he definitely hadn't gotten used to it yet, with the way his cheeks were heating up at the mere sight of his upper body.

"You're not supposed to see my date outfit!" Milo groaned, rummaging through his closet for something he could wear that didn't have paint splattered on it. Unfortunately, there weren't a lot of options.

Xen laughed as he set his towel down on his shoulders, shaking his head, hair flinging water around the room in the process. Well, not just around the room, on Milo too.

"So annoying," he grumbled, reaching up to wipe the drops of water which Xen had flung onto his cheek. "Shoo, you can't be in here!"

He's so hot. So attractive. His body is the most aesthetically pleasing thing I've ever seen."

Rolling his eyes playfully, Xen went back into the bathroom, from where he said, "I need to shave, so if you can finish dressing by then, we're good."

Milo huffed, making sure the bathroom door was shut, before he began to shift through the clothes in his closet again, desperately searching for something to wear. How nice do I have to dress? How nice is Xen going to dress?

Finally, Milo found something that fit his two requirements— it didn't have paint stains on it, and it was in a colour that he liked. So, he sent a picture of it to Evangeline, since she was the only one who knew how to dress without looking like a clown.

eva🥰✨ -
Looks great!!! There's a paint stain on the sleeve though🤭

Groaning, Milo flopped down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Do I really not own any clothes without paint stains? Jesus. Apparently, his groan was loud enough for Xen to hear, and he came out of the bathroom, face half-shaven, and hair practically covering his eyes.

"What is it?" he questioned, muttering a slew of violent curses when he stubbed his toe against the door.

"All my clothes have paint on them!" Milo complained, tossing the pastel blue jumper which he was planning on wearing in Xen's direction, hoping that it wouldn't touch the unshaven side of his face. "I'm so annoyed, I could eat you."

Xen laughed, going back into the bathroom. "Just wear something with a paint stain, then. I think it's cute that all your clothes are stained with paint."

Face heating up, Milo pressed it into his pillow, only raising it up when Xen threw his jumper back at him, humming to himself as he continued to shave the rest of his face.

He was happy, Milo noticed. Happier than he had ever seen him before. Maybe it was because of the lack of his parents in his life, or maybe it was because the two of them had slept in for the first time in two weeks, and no one had come in to wake them up.

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