38. You always look at me

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I turned to face Nico as she took my hand into her own. She smiled down at me and I can honestly not remember seeing her so happy nor off guard. Never have we ever been together like this in a public place. She squeezed my hand and pulled me closer to lay a kiss on my temple. I bit my lip to hide my smile but failed completely as she chuckled. 

"There is your mom," Nico said as she pointed straight forward at the cafe. My mother is taking an order and it's so odd to see her here. The strangest part is that she appears and looks normal. Those eyes were not cloudy anymore, hair brushed and up in a fine ponytail as she smiles at her clients. She looks different, but in a good way. 

"Should we say hi?" Nico shrugged with a slight smile. I gazed between her and my mother, considering my answer. 

"Maybe," I said as I'm still in between my thoughts. It has never been easy to be around my mom, as I always feel angry. She left when I was a child and has only come back when she was in need.

"Come on," Nico pulled on my hand and I almost stumbled in my own feet. She chuckled as she leads us over to the cafe. When we entered, my mother's eyebrows shot right up with a smile. 

"Hi," She said.

"Hi," Nico responded as I couldn't seem to find my words. An awkward silence settled over and I bit my inner cheek as I wish I could run and hide. 

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" Mom asked politely as she pointed at the table next to us. 

"Yes, I would love an ice tea," Nico grinned at the both of us.

"Sure, yeah," I shook my head as I don't understand what she is doing. 

"Okay, I'll be back," My mother smiled and then left. Before I could turn to Nico, she pushed me down in the chair as if I didn't have a choice. She smiled so brightly and innocently that I almost wanted to laugh.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she sat down across from me. 

"I'm thirsty," She shrugged with a frown and I rolled my eyes as if I would fall for that. Yet, I couldn't stop myself from smiling at how adorable she can be. 

"Wild, I know your relationship with your mother is tearing at you. But, perhaps this time, she is actually trying. So maybe give it a chance?" She said unsurely. I silently took in her words for a moment. 

"Okay," I responded as I gave in. It might not be so bad, but I'll still be on guard as I have always been. Nico smiled and I can't stop the chiles that run through my skin by the view of her. A few brown hair strands have escaped her ponytail as they rest against those high cheekbones. Those hazel eyes shine bright as the sunlight peeks through the window. Toned arms are showing as she is wearing a white tank top. But, it's that smile that brings out the beauty that she is. 

"You are staring," Nico bit her lip as she crinkled her nose in amusement. I pressed my lips together and gazed down at the table with fire in my cheeks. She reached over the table for my hand and squeezed it.

"I love when you do that," I raised my head with a confused frown to look at her again. She leaned forward in her seat and held my hand with both of hers. 

"You always look at me," She gazed down at our hands as she caresses my fingers.

"Ever since I met you, whenever you were around, I always found you watching me," She bit her lower lip and then looked at me. 

"You'll turn away shyly and I thought it was so cute," With my free hand, I laid it over my face to hide. However, a second later, she brought it off my face. 

"I love you, Wilder," She closed her eyes and then watched me with a pained expression. 

"I love you so much it hurts sometimes. There is just something about you that made me fall so in love with you. You weren't supposed to happen. You weren't in the plan and I'm sorry I did this to you," She swallowed deeply. 

"I just," Nico shook her head as if she was close to tears. 

"I need you, Wilder," She smiled faintly.

"I know I sound so needy. It's pathetic and I definitely don't deserve you,"

"Stop," I interrupted her and she watched me, slightly surprised. 

"I know this," I point in between us.

"Is not ideal as you are moving away, but we'll go for it anyway," I shrugged and a ball of sadness settled down in my belly as it's only a week until she leaves. After that, it'll be months before I would see her again. It's strange to know that I have lived my life without her and now that I have someone as special as her in my life, I can't seem to return it. How can one person enter your life randomly and end up being the most important thing you could ever imagine yourself to possess. 

I'm scared and I'm not going to deny that. But, what I am afraid of, I'm not so sure of. I have a tone of insecurities and I know that. What if we won't work out? What if she finds someone else that could make her much happier than I could ever do? What if the distance is too great?  

"I don't like the look on your face, Wilder," I looked up at Nico as I noticed that I was lost deeply in my own thoughts. 

"Here you go," My mother smiled brightly as she placed our drinks on the table. 

"Thank you," Nico grinned as she reached for her ice tea. I smiled awkwardly up at my mother and tried to avoid eye contact as much as possible. I don't know how to act around her as I don't know her the way I probably should. She was on the way to leave but then turned back to me again. 

"I know I haven't made it easy for you, Wilder. Neither for your father. I will stick around, but I won't force this on you. I just want you to know if there is anything, anything at all, I'll be here," She said and left before I could even find a reply to her sudden words. It was as if she had dreaded to say that. Nico watched me unsurely as she took a sip of her drink. When she placed her glass back on the table, she swirled her straw around as if expecting me to say something first. Yet, as the quietness progressed, she tilted her head and pressed her lips together. 

"Wilder," Nico spoke my name softly and I looked into her comforting eyes. 

"I love you," She said and I couldn't help but smile. Only she could make me smile in moments I shouldn't. 

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