5. Good luck, number ten

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I kicked the ball, seeing it fly into the air, and it feels as if time has slowed down—the ball curls towards the top corner of the goal. I was about to grin with excitement when Nico pushed the ball away. The whistle blows, indicating it's half time. I fall to my knees, taking a deep breath to get air back into my lungs. I almost had it again. Nico has saved every shot we have taken today, and it's been frustrating.

"Good shot," I heard a familiar voice say, and I sigh but then meet her eyes. Nico reaches out her hand to me, but I roll my eyes, ignoring it as I stand up.

"I will get a goal," I warned her.

"Sure you are," She grins at me, which made me clench my teeth. How can someone be so annoying?

"I will," I argued as we find our way to the locker room.

"I don't doubt it," She chuckled, her eyes lighting up like that is quite remarkable. We split ways, but I can't stop myself from looking behind me to give her one last glance before the next half. I shake my head at myself as I step into the locker room with my teammates. My friend Lynda has already seated herself next to my place.

"Here," She offered me a bottle, and I take it gladly. After almost drinking the whole bottle, I bring out a towel to dry my face and neck. While we are listening to our coach telling us what is needed in the second half. She wants us to get closer to the goal before we shot because Nico has such a good range. But I remember at the interview we had; she also said she has a good reaction. 

Yet we will go with what our coach says; us shooting from far of hasn't worked yet anyway. Nico is incredible in the goal. No wonder she is the name on everyone's lips around the world. She has a bright future ahead of her.

As time was flying, we are back on the field. I take a deep breath but smile as I see my parents wave from the bleachers. When dad said they were both going to go to the game, I was surprised. Mom hasn't seen me play since I was a child, but not that I care if she is here or not.

"Good luck, number ten," I heard Nico say, passing me, and smiled before she rushed to her goal. I roll my eyes at her behavior as I stand next to the ball, waiting on the referee to blow the whistle. Everyone finds their place on the field, and it's game on again.

I kick the ball to Anna and run-up to the left-wing, watching my mates playing ball, keeping it in between them until they wait on an opening. Lynda passes the ball through a couple of players, and I ran for it. I gave it the first touch, pushing it a bit in front of me to speed up. A rival comes in front of me; I turn right but then left to trick her away. Then I continue down the wing and swing in a long pass. I see it go in front of the goal, but Nico grabbed it quickly.

I groan out in frustration, which only earned me a grin in return from the goalkeeper. She kicks the ball far out, and I run back down the side.

As the minutes kept passing, and not goals have been scored yet. I finally get a chance, the ball in my feet as I rush through the defense, and it's only Nico and me left. She comes out of the goal to stop me; I try to turn right but felt my foot get caught underneath her leg, along with something sharp hitting my face. I close my eyes as I'm lying on the grass floor, which was a massive mistake as the pain took over. I touch my eyebrow lightly, feeling something wet on my hands.

"Are you okay?" I feel a hand on my shoulder, looking up into a pair of green, brown eyes.

"That hurt," I admitted, which I usually don't do.

"Yeah, you hit your head in my elbow," Nico said, watching me as if she could sense my agony. It feels as if someone hit me with a bat. I hear what sounds like thousands of footsteps coming my way, along with whispers and concerned voices.

"Lay still," I heard one of the medics say, and I do as I'm told. She holds onto my face as she is looking over my face. But I look behind her shoulder, seeing that Nico is starting at me endlessly.

"Hey!" I shouted as the woman touched my eyebrow, which felt like someone was stabbing me.

"You can't play the rest of the game," She lady said.

"No, I can play," I argue as I try to get up on my feet, but the woman keeps me down.

"You are not playing because you might have a concussion," She warned me, and I nodded, even though all I want is to shout at her that I can do it. But if I do, I might not be able to play for a while if I am not careful.

"Are you able to stand?" She asked.

"Yeah," I answered, trying to push myself up on my feet, but get help from Lynda. She holds onto my arm to lead me to our bench, and I sit down to take a deep breath. I watch someone else take my spot onto the field for the last ten minutes.

"How is your head?" She same light-haired woman asks me, bending down to look at my wound.

"My head is fine, I feel fine, just hurts in this area," I said, gesturing to my eyebrow.

"Well, you might have been lucky then," She smiled and started cleaning the wound. As carefully as she is, I wince every time.

"I don't think you have a concussion," She said, putting a big bandaid over my eyebrow.

"Okay, thank you," I smiled at her and continued to watch the rest of the game. Everything in me is screaming to go back out there, but obviously, I can't. The referee blows the whistle, and I sigh in defeat as the game ended with a tie. We needed a win to be able to get the three points away from them. But we remain in the same spot.

"Are you okay?" Lynda asks me, and I nod. As the rest of my teammates appeared, asking me if everything was okay, they left into the locker rooms after.

"Hi," I raise my head, seeing Nico gazing down at me.

"How are you?" She wondered, seeming guilty.

"I'm fine," I answered as I get up from my seat.

"Are you sure?" She asked as we stroll down to the entrance.

"Yeah, I mean next time, you should probably knock me out for the rest of the season," I chuckled, and she starts laughing with me.

"Yeah, well, I don't think that is needed. You couldn't pass me anyways," Nico winked, walking down the hallway backward with a grin. 

"Next time, number ten," She smiled, and I growled to myself because of how she always seems to push my buttons. Her arrogance is unbelievable. 

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