Chapter Four

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Mia stood from the table and crossed the room to the door, she peeked outside before fully opening the door to allow a woman into the room. I was taken aback by her appearance, she was an older woman clearly blind with dogged over eyes, tangled hair with various strange items tucked through the tangles and she dressed in long ragged clothes.

The woman saw herself in with no trouble and faced us at the end of the table. Her gaze was squarely on me despite her inability to see.

"This is our pack's oracle, Ravenna." Mia announced, "One of the last surviving oracle's in the world."

More magic...I was so tired of it. I just wanted to go one day without dealing with some form of the old werewolf ways of magic. Most of the original oracle's spawned from Ardor Pack ironically, they had the longest and oldest history with magic so many unruly things come out of there.

Mia closed the door and stood beside Ravenna, "She is a refugee from Ardor."

Instantly the room broke out in collective outrage. Matteo stood from his seat swiftly, "You've brought someone from the very pack that's threatening my own—and my own mate? She could be a spy for all we know!" He glared fiercely at Mia, "I have half of a mind to lock the both of you up."

Mia rolled her eyes, brushing off the conjoined anger of the room. "I said she was a refugee from Ardor, geniuses—meaning: Ravenna fled from them because her life was in danger and she hated their practices, dumb dumbs."

Azrael leaned back in his seat, clearly annoyed. "The last thing this situation needs is anymore unnatural magic. There is a reason we don't condone oracle's or magic of any kind because it isn't safe or right for us to practice."

Ravenna's head jerked in the direction of Azrael's voice, the various oddities littering her curls jingling lightly against each other from the sudden disruption. "Conversing with our mother Moon isn't a crime, boy." She pointed a gnarled finger still Azrael's chest, "You talk of blasphemy and unnatural magic when your very own mate—"

"That's enough." Azrael cut Ravenna off looking quite frazzled, for the first time ever I saw an emotion on his face and it was unnerving.

Ravenna turned her attention back to Matteo and I, "There is an ancient prophesy from the Moon, buried by greedy werewolves and forgotten by time. I am the last keeper of this secret, I fled Ardor so that this knowledge could have a chance to live on past me and save our kind once and for all."

For the briefest of moments I allowed myself to hope that Mia might have brought us someone useful but this Ravenna woman was clearly just one of those Moon Goddess hippie freaks. We all believed in the Moon Goddess, she was after all the first werewolf and the sole reason we are able to have mates—there were just some werewolves that took believing in the Moon Goddess to an entirely different and more...cult-y level. The concept of Ravenna alone having a secret so ancient and capable of "changing the world" was completely outlandish.

Matteo nodded towards the door, "Yeah, I've had enough of this bullish:t, Mia. Take your oracle and gather the rest of your rogues, I'm giving you 10 minutes to be out of my territ—"

The lights in the room began to flicker rapidly before burning out all together and the walls began to vibrate and cheek loudly. I silently wrapped my hand around Matteo's arm as my anxiety rose when Ravenna started chanting in some kind of ancient language with her eyes closed. Her eyes suddenly snapped open, they were completely clouded over white and her finger was pointed squarely at Matteo and I.

"For centuries, day by day the mortal realm of the wolves slips further into the cold clutches of Chaos the Destroyer. Infighting, greed, lust, bloodshed, plague our kind and sow mistrust. Bones brittle, wolves rot and a life full of sound and fury silenced by the inevitable decay of the werewolf race. With every passing day, wolves grow closer to causing our own extinction and moons ago, Thea, the second oracle to ever exist among our kind was given a desperate prophecy from the Moon Goddess herself about this very issue. She was gifted the vision of the harrowing future that awaits our kind if we continue down the path laid before us. The Moon Goddess warned Thea that there was only one way to bring lasting peace and unity across the lands...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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