Chapter Two

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Eyeless Asa had a dark scowl marring his features as he marched towards me. I'm sure both of his eyes would be staring me down murderously except for the fact he was missing one of his eyes. So it was one singular glaring eye which somehow made it less intimidating in a way.

Eyeless stomped towards me, "You are leaving now." He shoved a finger in my face and I stumbled backwards. "Because of you, my mate is unconscious and dying for all we know."

I honestly had no idea Eyeless even had a mate in the first place but regardless, it was obvious that his mate was one of the twenty wolves afflicted with the effects of Isabel's poisonous pink fog. I held my hands up slightly in front of me as a display of peace. "I never meant for this to happen, you have to believe me and if I could just magically make everything right I would do it in a heartbeat, trust me."

He continued stalking towards me, "That's good to hear," he muttered sardonically, "Because I happen to know a way that you could fix all of this mess. Get the f:ck out of here, turn yourself in to Isabel and spare these innocent wolves."

Eyeless suddenly lunged towards me, latching onto the collar of my shirt and pulled me forward into him. He grabbed onto my wrist and began dragging me towards the woods and no doubt out to the border of our pack. I dug my heels into the grassy main field of our pack, writhing against his grasp while pack members just walked past me. No one went to help their Luna.

His grip on my arm tightened and the pain only intensified with my struggling. I certainly wasn't going to allow him to humiliate me any further so I threw my free fist directly into his throat. A small satisfied smile tugged at my lips as I watched him hunch over wheezing and coughing for air. He held his throat as he tried to breath normally. "You little sh:t." Eyeless recovered all too quickly for my liking, I figured that the throat punch would have debilitated him for a little longer than a few seconds.

"You've been trouble from the moment I laid eyes on you and now, I could care less that you're our Luna, you're going to go to Isabel one way or another." Eyeless jumped towards me once again and made a grab for my throat this time, I moved to dodge him but a hand from behind me reached around and grabbed ahold of his wrist.

I slowly pivoted on my heel to see who was behind me and couldn't help the small sigh of relief that escaped my lips. Standing behind me, with a glare darker than Eyeless could ever have mustered was Matteo.

"Alpha this is all one big misunderstanding!" Eyeless stuttered, practically cowering beneath Matteo's blazing gaze. "I—I caught the Luna trying to escape and then she attacked me—I swear—I" His words were abruptly cut off as Matteo twisted his arm painfully backwards at an odd angle.

With Matteo's free hand that wasn't currently restraining Eyeless, he gently tugged me behind him. Normally, I would've been irritated by having to stand behind him in the face of action but frankly I was too rattled in this instance to care. Someone, again, from behind softly tapped my shoulder, Christian was with us and he ushered me back a few steps to give Matteo some space.

Matteo leaned forward directly in Eyeless Asa's face, "Its a pity for you because I don't believe a word you said." He twisted the arm a little further around which caused Eyeless' knees to wobble, "Not only did you verbally assault my mate—your Luna, you laid hands on her as well."

Eyeless cringed, groaning aloud under the painful hold. "It won't happen again, show me mercy please, Alpha."

Matteo smiled grimly, it was a smile i was quite familiar with...dark with just a hint of sadistic and it always meant that sh:t was about to go down. "I know it won't."

Before Eyeless could even react Matteo drove his knee upwards and into the elbow, a loud crack resounded from the sheer force. The bone was completely shattered and his arm looked like an ugly noodle.

Christian leaned down to me, "You might want to look away before what comes next." He advised quietly.

Look away?

"I will be the merciful Alpha and promise you an only slightly prolonged and excruciating death because as you know, the penalty for treason is death and quite frankly, I don't think you deserve a quick death." Matteo growled and tossed Eyeless on the grass.

This was Matteo in full Alpha of Malice pack mode. He had a loving, cute, doting and soft side but just beneath the surface was his darker more sinister...malicious side. I knew Matteo genuinely meant his threat and was indeed going to give him a long and painful death; and while there was a small, most likely spiteful side of me that had always loathed Eyeless from day one and thought he deserved something like this—the other more rational side of me knew that killing him would be wrong.

Matteo took a step towards him but was halted suddenly in his tracks by the sound of a piercing scream from across the field. We all turned and saw another body, what appeared to be a young boy, lying on the ground with a faint mist of pink smoke wafting from his mouth.

Healers rushed over to the boy and within seconds moved him into the pack's doubt a few beds down from Fran. A fresh wave of guilt settled in the pit of my stomach. I wanted nothing more to fix all of this, to find a way where I could go to Isabel while avoiding hurting Matteo in the process. It seemed hopeless.

Matteo dragged a hand through his hair frustratedly, swearing lowly under his breath before turning his attention back to Eyeless. He crouched down beside him, flicking Eyeless on the forehead to capture his attention. "The only reason why you are not going to die and be mounted on a spike right now is because of her." He gestured towards me. "The girl you were going to force out as an unwilling sacrifice doesn't like me killing anymore—consider yourself lucky you have such a merciful Luna."

Matteo stood and pulled me into his chest, resting his chin on the top of my head. "Take him to a cell," He instructed Christian who wordlessly gathered Eyeless and headed off to the jail cells within our pack.

He kissed the top of my head and then kissed my forehead, his lips lingering there until we both took a step back and at the same time said to each other, "I'm sorry."

I watched Matteo smile and chuckle lightly, I loved it when he looked like this—completely at ease and carefree. I reached over and twined my fingers through his with a mischievous smile crossing my face, "Jinx, now you owe me something."

He quirked an eyebrow over at me, "Is that so?" Matteo took advantage of our linked hand and tugged me back against his chest, "And what that might be?"

I traced his jaw with my free hand and leaned in dangerously close, allowing my lips to just barely graze his skin. Moving my lips up his cheek and to the shell of his ear, I gently but down and I heard him moan softly.

Matteo reached around and grabbed ahold of my ass and tried to move my lips down so he could no doubt try and take control of the situation. I grinned and shimmied out of his grasp, backing away from him, "I guess you'll have to find out when the time comes."

I turned around and took off through the field but just as soon as I started running, I was being lifted and tossed over Matteo's shoulder. I was laughing so hard my stomach ached, in that moment everything felt safe and normal again.

He swatted my ass effectively stopping my squirming and continued walking towards the pack house, not caring about the stares we were receiving. "Come on, we've got work to do before tonight."

Ah, yes. The alpha convention we were hosting that I still knew virtually nothing about. It was going to be an interesting day to say the least.



chapter three will be up tomorrow : ) and then after that we will be going back to the voting update system.

as usual let me know what you think so far.

if you're an OG reader from the first book make sure to drop a <3 in the comments so i can say hello again!

have a lovely day


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