Chapter One

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Recap: My jaw practically hit the floor, "You can't be serious, you would lock up your own mate?"

He scowled at me, "You would leave your own mate?"

Amias whistled lowly under his breath, "Oh burnnnn."

Life always seemed to be easier for all of the other werewolves.


Matteo turned away from me to address Christian and Amias, "You both can leave now, I have some private business I need to discuss with our Luna."

Yep, I was completely done for.

Matteo was still visibly seething, I knew there wasn't any "private business", he wanted me off on our own and that's when the real argument would begin. Christian left without another word and Amias wasn't far behind him, he offered me a sympathetic smile because he undoubtedly knew the sh:t storm that was in store for me.

The moment the door closed Matteo stalked over to me, I took a small step backwards and he immediately froze upon seeing my nervous hesitation. A brief flash of regret crossing his scowling features. Matteo and I had overcome and grown so much together since the first day we met and all this craziness began, even still, there were still small moments where I could tell Matteo struggled with his other—more malicious side. Being closed off, cold and cruel had been his normal for so long that every once in a while it slips through.

Matteo ran a hand roughly through his hair, trying to compose himself before addressing me. "You make me f:cking crazy, Olive."

I opened my mouth to respond but he sharply held up his hand silencing me. "I advise you to consider your words very carefully because my restraint is very thin right now."

"Your restraint?" I practically squeaked out.

Matteo walked closer to me and placed an arm by my head against the wall, a position I was all too familiar of with him. "When I heard you say that you were going to leave, my wolf wanted to completely dominate you and remind you who you belonged to. I wanted to tear you apart and there's a part of me that still does."

I averted my gaze to the floor as a heavy wave of guilt, submission and a hint of desire washed over me. With his other hand he grasped my chin making me meet his stare, it wasn't rough but it certainly was not gentle either. "But you'd like that, wouldn't you?"

He ran his thumb ran across my lower lip and my breath hitched in my chest, the anger and sexual tension that radiated between us was heavy and almost unbearable. Despite the heady air hanging above us, Matteo stopped all to quickly for my liking and pushed away from the wall, clenching his fists as he distanced himself from me.

"Get upstairs before I do something I'll regret." He said in a low voice, it wasn't angry by any means but there was an underlying tone of disappointment which was somehow more upsetting than when Matteo has been furious earlier.

I considered staying and trying to talk this out some more, I wanted to settle things so that there was no unresolved conflict between us but for once I held my tongue. Matteo would never actually hurt me, I knew that with every fiber of my soul but his threat still loomed over me, threatening in other ways. Frankly, it could mean a number of different things so I didn't stick around to find out.

Quietly and swiftly, I climbed the stairs and crossed the hallway to get to our room and closed the door behind me with a sigh. I was exhausted and emotional, all I wanted to do was curl up in Matteo's arms and have all of the events from today disappear and for life to go back to normal. I thought about trying to stay up and wait for Matteo to come upstairs but the heaviness of the day was quickly catching up to me.

Olive the Other Werewolves IIWhere stories live. Discover now