19 Hogsmeade

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Year 6 Hogsmeade

Hogsmeade was Lizzies second favorite place in the wizarding world the first being Hogwarts

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Hogsmeade was Lizzies second favorite place in the wizarding world the first being Hogwarts. Her favorite store was Honeydukes but she also like Zonkos fairly well which Lily obviously didn't approve of. Lily couldn't bare going into the "hetic" store as she would say. "It's to loud" or "James will be there to pester me" so most time Lizzie went in alone. Even Marlene didn't fancy the store.

"Come on Lily it's not even that bad" Lizzie pleaded for the red head to join her

"No it's too much to loud" Lily said waving a hand at Lizzie showing her disgust on her face.

"Oh come on you always say that!" Lizzie whined giving her a annoyed look

"Cause it's true even Marlene agrees right Marlene?" Lily said waiting for Marlene to agree and when she didn't Lily nudged her "Right Marlene?" she said in a very harsh tone now.

"Huh uh yup sure" Marlene said staring off into the distance. Lizzie and Lily tried looking for what she was staring at but it was no use nothing but the snowy grounds were there.

"What's are you staring at Marlene?" Lily said narrowing her eyes.

"Him" Marlene said pointing to a tall boy with dark hair and glasses and a blue and bronze scarf sticking out in the white snow.

"That 7th year Ravenclaw? I heard he's really smart like really smart. He's really into quidditch too and suppose he's looks quite handsome" Lizzie said looking at the boy with more interest now.

"Yea i saw him wednesday at quidditch practice and he said i looked really nice yesterday" Marlene said sighing dreamily.

"Ok well while you two are staring at him like creeps i'm gonna go into Zonkos"

"Yea yea bye" Marlene said not taking her eyes off the boys.

As Lizzie was walking away from them the marauders and Elise began to approach her. "Why does Marlene look like she's in a trance?" Siruis asked.

"She staring at that Ravenclaw boy" Lizzie said looking back at Marlene.

"Who William? I heard he's a great prat" Siruis said rolling his eyes with a look of disgust.

"Really i've only heard nice things about him" Lizzie said with a confused look.

"Sirius is lying he's sweet and he's really handsome too" Elise said and Lizzie saw Sirius roll his eyes.

"Nah he's just a git" James said

"You're only saying that cause you fancy Lily and Lily looks like she's taken a interest" Lizzie said with a bit of harsher tone then she intended.

"That's not true! Lily doesn't even look dazed!" James argued getting heated by Lizzies words.

"Yea alright what store you lot going into?" Lizzie asked eyeing the group.

"Zonkos you?" Remus said looking at Lizzie

"Same Lily and Marlene won't even look at the store let alone go in it so i'm always by myself so i'm glad i've got you lot with me" Lizzie said smiling great fully.

"Why don't they like it?" James asked

"Lily says it's to loud and Marlene says she doesn't see what's so entertaining."

"The whole stores entertaining what is she on about?" Siruis said.

"I don't know Peter how's the note to your mum going?" Lizzie said looking at Peter. The two had been spending a lot of time together recently. They found out they've actually got a lot in common.

"What letter?" James asked. Remus nudged him knowing stuff like family to Peter was a touchy subject.

"It's going well not that it matters though i'm not entirely sure she'll answer" Peter said shrinking down.

"I'm sorry Pete" Lizzie said putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

As they walked into Zonkos a firework popped in Remus' face he started grinning from ear to ear. "Hey look at this!" Lizzie said pointing out a box that exploded when touched. "Cool" Remus said walking up beside her.

"Remus" Lizzie said looking at him. "Yes?" "What's you favorite kind of chocolate?"

"Hmm definitely has to be Cauldron Cakes or Chocolate Wands" Remus said smiling "Why?" he said with a now confused look.

"Well your birthday is coming up soon and i need to know what to get you!" Lizzie said with a well "duh" look.

"Lizzie i don't expect you to get me anything" Remus said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Remus were friends aren't we" Lizzie said smiling.

"Well of course but you don't have to get me anything" He said basically begging her not to get him anything.

"Remus it's just chocolate i'm getting you a present now stop complaining" Lizzie said putting a hand to his face. Remus had a expression Lizzie couldn't quite understand. Was it confusion or something else.

"Well anyone else fancy a butterbeer at the three broomsticks?" James asked everyone nodded. Lizzie should've probably been getting back to the girls but she was sure they would be there anyway.

As they got there Lizzie did indeed find one of her friends but not the other. "Lizzie there you are!" Lily said getting up from her seat.

"Where's Mar?" Lizzie said to Lily. "Oh she went somewhere i'm not quite sure where"

"Oh?" Lizzie said with a confused face.

"Mhm" Lily hummed in response "Oh well uhm do you fancy having a drink with us Lily?" Lizzie asked gesturing to the boys, Elise, and her.

"With them? Why not just you and i" Lily said looking hesitant to join them.

"Come on Lil just one"

"Oh ok i suppose just one won't be bad"


I hope you all enjoyed <3

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