The Observer

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Later that same evening,

The sky has quickly fallen as you gazed out the car window: swiftly drifting past all of the houses leading to the party - you could hear the vibrations from music for what seemed like miles away.

You gazed at the house as Makki pulled up beside what seemed to be some sort of mansion, whispering snobby remarks to eachover as people your age drunkly tripped down stairs and screamed the lyrics to classic songs.

You entered the large house, being instantly greeted by people you didn't even know knew your name. You supposed that was a perk of dating the Oikawa Tooru.

Yourself and Hanamakki slipped past the main entrance, attempting to make your way towards the kitchen before being stopped as you heard a deep voice sing from the living room, an abnormally forced high pitched voice doing background vocals beside them.

"Please don't tell me that's them..." The man gritted his teeth before pushing the door open, being welcomed by the stench of alcohol and what seemed like hundreds of people watching Oikawa and Iwaizumi sing karaoke together on the dining room table.

"Oh. My. God." Makki muttered, his face going a diligent shade of ruby red, before quickly leaving the room - not wanting Oikawa to drag him into the mess him and your best friend were performing for everyone to see.

Your fingers skimmed over the wall with a smile, laughing weakly as Iwaizumi pointed to the crowd, obviously already having had a shot for confidence as he and his best friend performed 'Backstreet Boys' for a large crowd.

Neither of them were in key, Iwaizumi especially, laughing through lyrics with a proud smile before awkwardly dancing the embarrassment away.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need a drink..." Makki sheepishly tugged at the end of your sleeve, pulling you into the kitchen as you were both instantly handed drinks. "I'm surprised you actually came here, you know."

"Mmph, I could say that same for you, you never go to parties."

"I heard that there would be a karaoke machine, and I need some new blackmail for-.. them."
You felt yourself laugh at his response, him smiling gently before taking a sip of his drink.

You were soon greeted by Matsun as you all did a shot each on the marble countertop: the warm bitterness of the alcohol burning your throat.

"Shit.." Makki scoffed, his eyes glaring above the crook of your shoulder, widening before looking straight back down to the floor.

"Whatever you do... don't look behind you..." Matsun hissed to you with a sadistic smirk, taking a silent sip of his drink before you felt a big hand press on your shoulder.

"Hello, 'love." You heard your boyfriend sing cheerfully, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly, "Why didn't you bother to say hello?" He spoke abnormally loudly, unable to contain the volume of his own voice as he hugged you tightly, "Me and Iwa could've used another singer up there!"

Iwa shivered in place, tightening his jacket around his muscular shoulders, "No. Never again. We're never doing karaoke again."

You laughed quietly as his frowned stayed more prominent against his lips, "C'mon Iwa, you looked like you were really enjoying yourself out there.."

𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄,   𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢  Where stories live. Discover now