Lustful Becomings

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Two Weeks Later;

You turned your shower off, steam covering the windows and mirror as you wrapped a towel around your chest.

You practically sprinted to your bedroom, beginning to dry off your skin before rubbing a scented lotion against your legs.

You sighed with relaxation, playing some soft music in the background as you put deodorant on and began to file your nails.

Beep! Beep!

Your eyebrow raised at the sound of your phone, before you picked it up.

Iwa - unread messages (2)

sent at 00:09 am
u awake?

yeah, why?

look outside.

seen at 00:13 am

You furrowed your eyebrows together, humming lightly as you slowly wandered to your window. Your eyes lit up at the sight of him: holding his phone in his hand as he waved at you from the front of your house.

He raised his hands up, gesturing for you to open the window as you quickly did as you were told.

You perked your head out of the window, calling out: "What are you doing here? It's late!"

He let out a defeated sigh, "I snuck out, can I come up to your room?"

Your eyes widened, fingers tightly holding onto the edge of your window ledge, "Huh- You snuck out? Iwa, you idiot.." You shook your head, "My mum will kill me if she sees you come up to my room this late.."

"Your mother loves me!"

"She won't if she finds out you snuck out to see me.."

He paused for a few moments, before shrugging his shoulders with a wide smile you couldn't say no to, "Come on.. I'll climb up the front of your house if I have to - just let me in.."

Your eyes rolled before you opened your window a little wider, gesturing for him to climb up.

Iwaizumi flashed himself a smile, before grabbing hold of the bricks on your house, heaving his body up from the ground as he let out a grunt.

You sighed as you watched him climb up, before tightly grabbing hold of his hand as he pulled himself up through the window, dragging him safely into your room.

He wobbled on his feet for a few moments, letting out a tired groan as his hands stayed tightly pursed around yours.

Finally, Hajime's emerald eyes began to slowly travel up your body as you remembered that you were only in a short towel.

"Erm-.." He swallowed, instantly looking away with flushed cheeks as you pulled the towel up your chest a little more.

You dusted his hands off of you as you turned your body to your drawers to get some pajamas, "Can you turn around whilst I change?"

He ran his fingers through his hair, smirking cockily.
"I don't know, Y/N, hot-girl in a towel after I climbed through her window.. seems pretty erotic to me. You didn't plan this out, did you?" He smirked to you with a small laugh leaving his lips, placing his hands in either jacket pocket.

"Of course I didn't - you're the one who came over here, not vice versa."

"Yeah, and I'm glad I did.. heh-heh."

"Just turn around so that I can put on some pajamas before I kill you."

He lifted his hands by his head to give in, slowly turning his body to your wardrobe as you pulled out a comfortable pair of pyjamas, quickly changing your clothes.

You pulled your shirt down over your chest as he turned around, "So," You began, sitting down beside him on your bed, "Why'd you sneak out?"

"I'm just really bored, that's all.." He laid down against your bed with a rugged sigh, our stretching his arms tiredly, "You don't mind if I hang out here for a few hours, do you?"

"Of course I don't mind - you're my best friend for a reason: I love your company." You glanced back at the clock on your wall, your eyebrows twitching together, "But it's getting late.. I don't want you to walk home on your own."

His eyes widened as you wandered to your drawer, carelessly shuffling through items as he swallowed awkwardly: pulling his collar from the scruff of his neck.
"Erm-.." He began, "Would Oikawa be okay with me staying here tonight? Not that I mind or anything."

"Yeah, well- I mean, it's not like we haven't had sleepovers before."

He laughed quietly, snorting gently, "Yeah, but not since we were twelve.."

"It's just a sleepover, I can sleep on the floor, if you want." You shook your head with a casual roll of the eyes, "You make it sound like we're gonna do it.."

"It?" He flashed you a smirk, "Well.. Are we going to do it?"

"That's not funny, Iwa. I have a boyfriend now, you can't keep making jokes like that."

His eyes widened as if he hadn't meant to
offend you, before is expression relaxed with a nod.
"Heh.. sorry-.." He gestured towards your hands, "What're you doing there, anyway?"

"Looking for something."

"Something? Well.. that's not ominous at all."

Your face suddenly lit up, finally finding what you were looking for.

You flashed your best friend a beaming grin, running back over to him as you excitedly displayed what you were looking for.

His head cocked as his fingers traced the light green lettering, "Face masks?"

𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄,   𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢  Where stories live. Discover now