Thirty Eight: Road Trip

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TW: sleazy men


Growing up, you'd been warned never to hitchhike, pick up hitchhikers, or get in cars with strangers in general. In the words of your third grade teacher, you'd get kidnapped, stabbed, and set on fire. Tim didn't seem like he wanted to stab you, though. In fact, he was more than welcoming as he invited you to hop in the passenger side.

The first thing that hit you about the car was the smell. Cigarette smoke, mould, and something metallic and kind of familiar that was almost undetectable beneath the general crappy air quality. You held back a grimace as you clambered awkwardly inside, not wanting to seem rude.

Tim wound the window back up as soon as you were seated, continuing to drive forward. His dark eyes focused on the road, a strange glint in them as he addressed you. "So. What're you doing all the way out here?"

You struggled to come up with an excuse for that one. Yeah, I had a meltdown buying cornflakes and ran twenty miles straight without stopping, and I'm not even that athletic!

"I'm... uh." You grimaced. "I'm shopping."

Tim laughed. "Shopping? For what? Bricks?" If you'd been looking at him, and not awkwardly out the slightly darkened window, you'd have noticed that the grin didn't reach his eyes.

That wasn't funny. You couldn't be bothered to humour the strange man with a proper laugh, instead only humming shortly. Brian's mannerisms were rubbing off on you.

"Oh, come on, (y/n)!" Jesus, this man spoke way too loud, "You can tell me! What's a pretty thing like you doing out in this neck of the, uh, woods?"

For the briefest of moments you thought you heard a strange sound coming from the back seat, but Tim coughed before you could focus on it. You shrugged it off, too fixated on the creepy dude driving the car and pestering you.

You wanted to snap at him that it was none of his business. However, you didn't want to get thrown out of his car - the gods had taken pity on you by having someone you knew show up at all, you weren't going to waste this temporary safety.

"I could ask you the same thing." You deflected, ignoring the unsettling compliment and trying to keep your tone light. Not that you weren't wondering - he was also in the baron warehouse district, and he wasn't wearing a work uniform of any sort. Just a tan jacket that looked like you'd seen it somewhere before - white men's fashion, am I right?

Tim hummed, long and drawn out in a teasing way that made your blood curdle. Please, don't let this drive be long.

"Just, goin' for a drive, y'know?" He laughed again, and even from over a foot away you caught a whiff of the smoke on his breath. And whiskey, too, though it was the middle of the day. "I was hoping to pick up some chicks!"

The man laughed heartily at his jest. You frowned. Again, something sounded from just behind you. Again, Tim coughed obnoxiously.

You were already sick of this. You wanted out of this car as soon as possible, away from the sleazy guy and his stinky car. You realised, also, that he was just driving around aimlessly. You saw no skyscrapers above the treetops, he didn't appear to be heading back towards the city.

"Aren't you going to ask me where I want to go?" In all honesty, to him it probably looked like you'd climbed in his car so he could... take you back to his. That wasn't the case, though, and you were regretting not telling him you were lost right off the bat. Although, you really didn't want him thinking you were vulnerable.

As you looked to him, Tim's eyebrows creased. He still looked way too happy, though. Was he drunk?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had somewhere in mind, doll."

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