Fifteen: Poor Baby

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Trigger Warning: Gore, reader losing her shit, this chapter is a mess I'm so sorry

The classroom was almost full, save for one empty seat. As the minutes ticked by, you couldn't help the nagging sinking feeling that was emerging in your gut. It was probably nothing, she was probably busy with Harry, or hungover - there was an explanation that was completely rational, you were just being paranoid.

Hoodie had let you be only after you had completed your essay last night (which you had handed to your professor a good twenty minutes ago), all but forcing him out the bedroom door so that you could actually get some sleep. To your surprise, he hadn't been lurking in your living room anymore when you woke up this morning. Nor had he been waiting for you in the parking lot, like he had on Friday. You found it strange, but you were relieved at first - your first time being free of him in days. The only trouble was, you'd rather know exactly where he was than go back to the antagonising games he liked to play. You sincerely hoped that the next time he'd show up, it'd be in the flesh and with his mask off, rather than more creepy videos and cryptic messaging.

Another few minutes passed with no sign of Jade. You eyed her usual seat, a row in front of you in the particular classroom. You pushed back the awful, paranoia fuelled thoughts that arose at every passing minute. Jade was fine, she was perfectly okay. You didn't care about the woman herself, not a lot at least. But she was the closest link to Harry that you had. You hadn't yet decided if you were going to honour Hoodie's rule of not speaking to the woman, but it seemed you wouldn't even have the option if she didn't show up to class.

But what if you had accidentally made her a target?

You shook your head. Hoodie hadn't shown any signs of wanting to kill Jade, apart from calling her a fucking bitch and that one video he'd sent you of her and the other girls at the library. You both had a deal, he'd stay away from you and Harry if you kept your mouth shut. You could only hopefully assume that staying away from Harry included staying away from Jade, too. She didn't even know about Hoodie, she wasn't a threat. She'd be fine. Jade would be fine.

Then again, asking about her might make you feel better. Your head snapped up from the textbook you'd barely been paying attention to, eyes glancing to the back of the girl's head, in the seat in front of you. Lily - Jade's best friend. She might hate your guts, too, for all you knew; but she'd probably be able to tell you why Jade wasn't in class today. You took a deep breath, extending your pen and tapping the blonde girl on the shoulder.

Lily turned to face you, blonde ponytail flicking around. To your relief, you weren't met with another blue-eyed glare; you didn't know if you could handle being bitch slapped in class for a second time. She simply offered a quizzical, "Hmm?".

You quietly asked, "Have you seen Jade?". You tried not to come off as overly concerned, you didn't know how much Jade had told Lily about you and Harry. She hadn't been in the lecture on Friday, but she could so easily have heard the gossip.

Lily shook her head at you, "Not since we went to brunch on Saturday, why?".

Alright, so she'd been seen since Friday. That was good! See, (y/n)? You're just being overly worried.

You cleared your throat, "Do you know where she is?"

Lily shrugged. After a moment of thought, she grabbed her phone off the desk in front of her. "Hang on, I'll text her real quick."

You sighed in relief inwardly. Jade was the only physical tie you had left to Harry, you knew you were projecting onto her a little but you loved him so much, there was no way to help it. All you knew was that if she was okay, then there was someone keeping an eye on your brother while you couldn't.

Something Amiss (Hoodie x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن