Thirty: Fact And Fantasy

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TW: light sh themes and blood

also sorry if you haven't seen Lucifer lol

The whiskey burned, and you liked it. Brian at least seemed to be on the same page as you; strong alcohol was needed right about now. He seemed like the kind of guy who'd drink alone, so you were a little surprised that he asked you to join. Still, you weren't about to turn the drink down. Everything was shitty right now, and had been for some time now. You'd take what vices you could, even if common sense would have you not get drunk with a murderer.

It took three shots each for conversation to come, after sitting in comfortable silence for twenty minutes. He'd unlocked the window while you were in the shower, and a warm night breeze was fluttering the blinds and causing your hair to drift a little, drying it quickly. You were a little too hot in your clothes, but you weren't about to strip your hoodie off in front of the man. That'd take a few more shots, enough so you wouldn't remember doing so in the morning.

You downed the rest of what was in your current glass, enjoying the burn and glancing over to Brian. He was gazing at the darkened window, and had been for some time. You had a feeling he was thinking about those symbols on Lily's mirror, and you were too.

Both on the same page, you both spoke in tandem.

"So those symbols on the mirror-"

"(Y/n), there's some things I-"

You both stopped, looking at each other wearily. You both seemed to confirm that you were thinking about the same thing. After another staring contest, Brian took the lead.

"You want to know about the symbols."

You nodded, and he shifted forward to pour himself another glass, exhaling heavily through his nose. When he relaxed back again, he ended up a little closer to you. You fought the urge to scoot away, heart beating a little quicker.

It took a moment for him to speak again, he seemed lost in thought. With a sigh, you decided to do the talking, hopefully get him to tell you what it was that he knew about the ominous markings. "Harry drew the same ones on his walls-" And on his skin, but you didn't want to reiterate that bit. "That's not... a coincidence, is it?"

Brian looked down at you as you spoke, face unreadable yet with a softness in his eyes that had you relaxing your tense muscles, sinking further into the cushions behind you, words trailing off every so often before you regained your train of thought. The arm that was flung over the back of the couch inched nearer, until his hand was touching the ends of your hair. He absently twirled a strand, gazing at the locks between his fingers. You didn't shove him off, whiskey seeping into the cracks of your inhibitions. It felt nice.

"Well." Brian took a small sip, looking away from your hair and examining the bottom of his glass tentatively once he pulled it from his lips. His voice dropped suddenly, to a husky murmur. "This is going to sound insane."

As a show of solidarity, you leaned forward and grabbed the bottle of honey liquid yourself, filling your glass back up. You were pleasantly surprised, when you relaxed back and met his gaze, that his gentle touch returned to the ends of your hair.

Brian smirked half heartedly at your bold move, before returning to solemnity.

"That symbol, with the cross and the circle." You nodded encouragingly as he spoke, you of course knew the one he meant. "It's how my boss marks his territory."

You suppressed an alarmed snort, you had been right about this being some real cult shit. Brian looked back at you discerningly, probably trying to gauge your reaction. It sounded weird, and he knew it.

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