29-So close

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I'm not sure where I was. I was sure someone would have caught up to us and saved me. I mean come on. A room filled with vampires and NO ONE caught him! What the hell!? We had a vampire that could see the future, a vampire that could make you feel the worst pain imaginable, a vampire who could practically paralyse you and lets not forget the worlds 'best' tracker. How did this guy get away!?

The room I was in was simple and dull. A bed and a dresser, with  a large crib in the corner. All that was inside the dresser was summer dresses and underwear. Some of the dresses had slight rips or blood on it, which made me sick to my stomach. I didn't want to know where or how he got these so I left them where they were and staid in the dress I had on at the ball. There was a small bathroom attached to the room. Nothing but a bottle of shampoo, tooth bush and toothpaste on the counter. But I refused to shower. I didn't need him watching me bathe. Which he does when I sleep, which I tried not to do. He brought me food three times a day. Normally its sandwiches and salads. Sometimes fruit. Never cooked meals. He also brought me pregnancy vitamins but I refused to take them encase they weren't what they said they were. I had been here for a total of 4 days...I think. Its hard to tell with no windows or clocks. Yep there's no windows. Well there was but there boarded up from the outside and had bars on them on the inside. He had obviously been planning on holding someone hostage in here. I sucked in a deep breath feeling a strange pressure. 

"Easy in there." I smiled to myself. I wish I hadn't spoken because as soon as I did Leroy appears, trying to touch my belly. I forget how good vampire hear was. Or maybe he was standing outside the door listening for me to speak. I quickly cowered away and covered my round belly. 

"I wont hurt them." He smiled. He attempted to reach out again must I moved away.

"I know you wont. Because I'm not letting you near them. Marcus will find me." I snapped and he frowned. 

"I think I've been a gentlemen up until now." He grinned. This one was the twisted smile that made me think of all the families he had ripped apart.

"A gentlemen? Your kidding right? You kidnapped me and you're holding me here against my will. You turned hundreds of children and killed thousands of people! All for your sick and twisted games! That is not a gentlemen. That's a monster." I snapped but he just ignored me, waving me off.

"You will stay here and we will be happy. You might a well get used to it., because you're not going anywhere." This guy was a physio. He left the room and locked the door. I sat there hopping someone was going to find me soon. 

Marcus's POV

"Where is she!?" Demetri lowered his head. A week. My mate and children had been gone a week. The twins refused to return without her and been gone since the night of the ball. I would be out there looking too if Aro and Caius had let me. But I knew I had to wait to hear back from the others. Bella was in hysterics, sobbing, praying her sister was safe. Or at least a little safe. 

"I'm sorry master. Hes not in Italy. At least not anymore. I managed to track him all the way to Denmark but I cant find him anymore. My guess is he has a shield." Demetri frowned. 

"I dont care. You will find her!" He nodded and ran out. I rubbed my head, furious. A man like Leroy was not safe. He was known to lash out. Even as a human he was a ticking time bomb. But when he was human he was a lord in the 1600. He was looked up to by so many. And feared by them too. No one dared go against him. Ac coring to Aro his obsession with children is all innocent. Leroy apparently had a wife who left him and took his two young children with her. But all three of them sadly died in a fire only a month later. Even though Aro told me Leroy didn't cause the fire I still think he would have. Now as a vampire he's turning children. The younger they are the more dependent they are on him. Only this obsession to have a family is now effecting my mate. And like hell was I going to let him love for that.

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