2-The Volturi

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Marcus's POV

I watched on as my brothers finished a trail. Yet another of our kind dead. The day seemed strange. As if something was gioing to happen. I was right. After the vampires body was taken away to be burned Jane came in with a woman follwoing her. She had bright orainge hair and the red eyes of a vampire. She moved at a feline pace with perfect, lethal steps as she came closer to us.

"Can we help you?" Aro asked. He seemed as board as I was. Every day seemed the same. More and more problems that other vampires couldn't or wouldn't solve themselves. And then we were left to pick up the mess others had made or let happen. It was idiotic. Couldn't anyone solve there own issues just once?

"I'm here to report a crime." She said. She possessed a seductive, feline beauty and has soft high soprano of a voice that did not effect any of us in any way. Well maybe Felix but he's always been a lady's man. A 'bed them and leave them' type.

"Really? What is your name and what Crime are you reporting?" Caius asked. I think Caius used to enjoy these trials. He used to like the power. But now he was sick of it. The power we once had is now boring to us. Because we was left to sort out everyone else's issues. My brothers hardly had time for there wives anymore. And that effected there bond with them greatly.

"My name is Victoria. A human knows of our kind." Aros was instantly interested. We all were. The fear of things going back to the old ways hit us hard. People dyeing as we protected our kind. The world going to back the mayhem we had long since gotten rid of. "A coven told her of our kind and have left her there with our secret. I have tried to get rid of her myself, to keep our kind safe but there is a pack of shapeshifters that wont allow me to get close enough. As well as the fact her father is chief of police. He would want to investigate and killing him as well will raise more questions from other police." She explained fully and we took in what she had said. She was right. Whenever a police member was killed in a strange way it was always investigated. Making them both look like a suicided was imposable too seeing as it would be questioned why they had bother killed themselves. But if there was shapeshifters the woman would have a hard time killing them in any way.

"What Coven told the human?" I asked. It was the main question in all our minds. I didn't have to be Aro to know that. What Coven could be stupid enough to think this was a good idea.

"The Olympic Coven. The Cullen's I think there name is." Victoria said and as soon as the name fell from her mouth me and my brother were shocked. Carlisle had been a friend to us. Had he really betrayed not only us but our whole kind for a human. And why leave her with this knowledge?

"Carlisle is not a fool. He would not tell a human without a reason." Aro frowned.

"A member of his Coven believed he was mated to the girl but since he has left I know he was mistaken. I know the pain of being away from your mate." She frowned and venom filled her eyes. I could see the shattered bond of her mate. He was dead.

"You mate is dead?" I asked. She merely nodded sadly to my statement.

"James. The Cullen's killed him." She frowned. "He always believed humans were food nothing more. He tried to attack and the Cullen's killed him. If they had told him she was a mate he would have backed down. I believe they were intentionally looking for a fight."

"What!?" Caius yelled. It was a law if one mate was killed the other must be too in fear the living mate would become consumed with rage and would be more deadly than an immortal child. "Carlisle has dropped so low. I can not believe he has done this."

"Demetri. Have the Cullen's called and brought here. Felix, Alec. You are to go and retrieve the human. She is to be unharmed in any way." Aro said. He then turned to Victoria and gave her a soft smile. "May we have a name?"

"I'm not sure of her first name. I know her last name is Swan." She frowned. "They called her Bella. But I'm not sure if that is her actual given name."

"Thank you my dear. Is there anything else you wish to do here?" Aro said with a gentle smile.

"No. But I wish to stay until I have justice for James. Then I wish for death." I nodded.

"Understandable." I said. We had seen the pain of a mate who had lost there other half before. It was unbearable and it was something you would wish on no one.

"Jane, take Miss Victoria to a guest room please." Jane nodded and walked out the room with Victoria following her.

"I can not believe Carlisle had let this happen." Caius sighed rubbing his head.

"We shall see the truth once they arrive." I nodded at Aro's words when I felt a small tug in my chest and I saw the familiar golden thread.

"It would seem I shall be meeting my mate soon." I smiled and Aro's face lit up brightly and Caius chuckled.

"Congratulations brother." Caius smiled but then I felt a second tug. I looked and saw a father bond. Now I was confused. "What is it brother? Are you not happy?"

"Its not that. But a bond has appeared on me of one between a father and a child." I frowned.

"Maybe she has a child?" Aro asked. "Do not fear Marcus. We shall see when you meet her." I nodded and slowly got up.

"Call for me when the Cullens and the human arrives." They nodded and I left the room.

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