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We went back to Marcus's study and the place was trashed. The painting was slashed, the desk was broken and books littered the floor. Some were even ripped apart. 

"If you are looking for Marcus-" I looked over seeing Aro stood there. "-he retired to his room." I nodded and went to go when Aro grabbed my arm. "It would be best that we allow him to calm down."

"Is he really that angry with me?" I asked a little worried.

"No my dear. Hes angry with himself. He feels he has failed you." He frowned. "He's been planning his mates arrival since I met my wife. He wants to give you the world, but he can not give you the one and only thing you truly want." I frowned and looked down. "I see Alec has spoken with you?"

"Yes. Even if I lose the chance to have children. I will still have this one. Its better than nothing." I said with a weak smile. "But I do have a question."

"Alec you may leave. I think I over heard Jane looking for you not too long ago. She went to the guards quarters." Alec nodded and bowed before rushing off. "Now what is your question?" He asked offering his arm. I took it and we walked off.

"If my baby grows up here and doesn't really leave unless with a guard, do they have to be turned?" I asked and he went to talk. But I quickly cut him off. "I mean I know it will happen eventually. But could it wait till there a little older? Till they've experienced life a little."

"Of cause my dear. You worry for no reason. The child will have to choose at 18. If they wish to stay a human for a little longer to experience things such as education or anything. They will be allowed but remember it will have to be under the watchful eye of the Volturi." I nodded. It was better than turning them at 13 like the twins. "Is there anything else you wish to know?" He asked.

"Alec mentioned the idea of making a bucket list." I said.

"Yes. A couple of the help that was turned in the past did those. Simple things like get a tattoo, get drunk once more. Confess to there crush. The tattoo was a waste of money and time since once turned the venom erased it completely." I nodded. "Is it something you are thinking of doing?"

"Yes. There is a couple things I wish to do." I smiled. 

"What would be on it?" He asked.

"I suppose one would be to go home and give my father a proper goodbye. Make up something that a university here in Italy offered me a job and Bella a scholarship. That way we can still call and send letters to keep in touch. I mean my dad isn't exactly young. He wont be around very long. Id hate for the last few years he has to be filled with sadness over losing me and my sister." I said and he nodded. 

"I suppose that would work." He said. 

"I'd like to go on a nice vacation. Never got a chance to go on one before. With work I didn't get much time to do anything I wanted." I said with a small smile. 

"You was assistant to the deen at Stanford University if I saw correctly." He said. I nodded a little confused. "Some vampires have special gifts. I can see every thought you have ever hand with physical contact." He chuckled. 

"I guess its a little late to lecture you about privacy?" He just laughed and nodded.

"A couple thousand years too late, yes." He smiled and I giggled. "I think a bucket list is not out of the question. Just make sure not to add anything that may endanger your life. Marcus will reject it immediately." I nodded as we walked into the library. "Here. Wait here. I shall get you some paper and you can start your list." He smiled and I took a seat in the arm chair. Within seconds he had vanished and quickly came back with a note book and a pen. "I shall leave you here. If you need anything just call for Felix. Hes stationed outside the door. I shall let Marcus know you are ready to talk." I nodded and he soon left. I opened the note book and thought about what I really wanted. I wanted to help people. I wanted my dad to meet my baby. I wanted to spend time with Bella. Just us. And I didn't want my baby to be in harms way. I took a deep breath and picked up the pen before I started to write.

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