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adrien agreste x reader

CHERISH!adrien agreste x reader

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PARIS. Some call it the city of love, but Y/N still preferred city of lights over it.

Y/N had started touring the city as much as she could, before she started at her new school. She was grateful to be here, in Paris, but she was still anxious about the change in her surroundings.

She was in a completely new environment. She had no friends ( naturally ) and was still trying to familiarise herself with the city. Fitting in at school was going to be tough.

She shakes off her anxious  thoughts as she sits on a bench near the Eiffel Tower. That was her last destination of the day.

She pulled out a polaroid camera from her backpack, which consisted of nearly everything she could require. It was like Dora's backpack, the only difference was that it didn't talk.

She clicks a picture of the tower, and fans the image. She took some more images before keeping them all in her backpack.

She admired the beauty of the monument. Oh how, spectacular it looked even in the dark, under the moon and the infinite blanket of those twinkling stars.

Throughout the whole time she was on the bench, she didn't realise how late it was getting. She checked the time and realised it was half - past 9. She was supposed to be on her way back to her home at the moment.

Just as she was picking up her backpack, she noticed a blond boy skating on a skateboard.

He was slowly losing his balance and was looking down instead of looking forward. He didn't realise that he was getting close to a tree.

"Hey, you might wanna watch out ─ " she was cut off by the boy bumping into the tree nearby, and falling on his back and his skateboard skating away from him.

She wasn't sure whether to help him or the skateboard. She chose the skateboard.

Y/N ran right past the boy groaning in pain to catch his skateboard ( which she did, surprising herself ). She came back to the boy and found him trying to get himself off of the ground. 

"Are you alright?" She asked as the boy looked at her in disbelief.

He looked down at himself, sprawled across the ground, "I don't know what to tell you."

"Oh, you speak English."

"Is that really your main concern at the moment?" He said as she realised that he was still on the ground. She offered her arm, which he gladly took it, lifting himself off of the ground with her support.

He groaned, dusting his shorts and shirt which weren't that dirty.

"You do make a awful lot of noise, don't you?" She said.

"You do care much more about a skateboard than a human life, don't you?"

"It's not like you were dying."

"I could have a concussion." He said, tripping over his feet and she immediately grabbed his hand to keep him on his feet.

"I think you should sit down for a minute." She said, helping him over to the bench she was sitting on. He sat down and she grabbed a still - cold Red Bull and handed it to him.

The blond boy stared at it blankly, "What do I do with this?"

"Put it on your head. Just in case you do have a concussion."

He shrugged, putting the can to his forehead, "I am not sure if this works."

"Neither am I, so let's hope for the best." She replied, handing him his skateboard.

He had been so occupied with his injury that he didn't notice how pretty the girl next to him was. Her skin gleamed under the moon. Her beauty can even make the moon feel shy.

"It's creepy."⸻ "What is?"
⸻ "To look at me like that."

His ears turned a shade of maroon ( in honour of Taylor Swift's new album ) and he looked away for before looking back at her.

"What's your name?" He asks as she looks at him questioningly. "You should atleast tell me your name."

"Y/N L/N. Yours?" She asks as she puts the straps of the backpack on her shoulders.

"Adrien Agreste. Besides, your name is beautiful." He says making her smile and push a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Say, why are you out this late?"

"I sneaked out. My dad's a bit. . protective and he doesn't really
allow me to go around the city
very much."

"He's completely opposite to my

"I wish I had your dad."

She smiles, "A lot of people do." She checks the time again, knowing that she's even more late now. "It was nice meeting you, Adrien, but I really need to hurry back to ny house."

"I understand, I sneaked out, so we're in the same position." Adrien replied as Y/N nodded, getting up from the bench as he did so too.

"Au Revoir, Agreste." was the last thing she said as she started to walk away and he watched till she was completely out of sight.


"YOU'RE LATE." Her father remarked as soon as she stepped into the premises of her house.

"I know." She sighed, "I lost track of time and then I came across someone who needed help."

"Well, please don't do it again. And if you do, atleast let me know. I had nearly filed a missing person report." He sighed in relief as she came up to him and gave him a hug.

"Alright. I'll go to bed now."

"Okay, night, honey."

"Good night, dad."

✓ CHERISH ─ MIRACULOUS LADYBUG ( REWRITING )Where stories live. Discover now