page sixteen;

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-Nicolettes p.o.v-

I sat across from Sergio as we had lunch that afternoon. It's been well a few weeks after Christmas. The scene between me and Cristiano in his bedroom drove me crazy. I nearly kissed him. I freaked out at the last second and ran downstairs forgetting about the sweater that I came to get for Nicolas. After that moment we acted, more like Cristiano acted like it didn't happen. I just didn't want to talk about it.

"And then the coach said it was an offside." I half listened to Sergio talking about their most recent practice before their friendly match against AC Milian that was going to be in Dubai. how lucky, you kick a ball around for 90 minutes and suddenly you get to travel all over the world.

"But me being Sergio, I scored another header after that." Sergio went on, not even realizing the slightest that I wasn't paying attention, for a moment I thought he was talking to himself, he was laughing at the jokes he's said and all that. what a man Sergio Ramos was.

I felt weird and guilty around Irina. She had tried her best to make me feel welcome or even acknowledged my presence when I was around her, which was something she rarely did before. for a moment I thought she was planning something against me but what would she be gaining? She already had Cristiano what does she want from me?

Call me crazy but I even let Cristiano leave her alone with him sometimes. It took a while but she earned my trust and I just hoped she didn't blow it. For the sake of our relationship, she was going to be marrying Cristiano and I had to accept that she'd be Nicolas's legal step mom. Of course she won't be his mom or anything close to that but she had to maintain some type of relationship with him.

"come to Dubai with us" Sergio said out of the blue. He stretched his hands out and wrapped them around my own, looking at me with his soft brown eyes.

"oh- uhm Sergio, I can't. " I shook my head. "It's too much of a short notice plus I've got work and Nicolas to look after." And also it's way way too soon for me to already start traveling around with you.

"we can bring the mini Ronaldo with and just take days off." He shrugged, looking more determined than ever.

I shook my head again, "sorry but no, I can't."

He hung his head down in rejection. "ok." He sighed. "Since you won't come, I guess I'll just ask you here instead. Right now."

"ask me what?" I asked confused.

Sergio got up from his seat not letting go of my hands. He knelt down in front of me. I looked at him carefully not knowing what was going through his little Spanish head.

"you're not going to propose are you?" I asked.

"no, of course not." He grinned. "ok so here it goes, I've been thinking about you and us a lot and I'm really nervous about this but I really really like you and your the best thing to happen to me for awhile and I suck at these but will you be my girlfriend?"

"Oh- Your girlfriend?"

He nodded. "sí"

"uh can I think about it? this is all so sudden" I bit the bottom of my lip. "I'm sorry I just need time."

"oh of course." He got up sadly. "Take all the time you need."


please vote- should Nicolette say yes to Sergio's offer or no? Comment what you think should be her decisions



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