page seventeen;

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I took my sweet time on thinking about Sergio's offer. I didn't know what I wanted, before Christmas yes of course I wanted to be more than friends with Sergio but now, my mind was other places, on other people. it was no brained that I fancied both Sergio and Cristiano, it was the matter of which I fancied more.

This was the perfect time to get my mind off of the both of them. They were out of the country away in Dubai and I got my peace and could stay in my thoughts. not right now though. right now I was at Cristiano's house with Irina and Nicolas. I know crazy.

Irina wanted my help to plan Cristiano's birthday party which wasn't till February. She wanted it to be big and special since it'll be his 30th birthday. I actually wanted to help to. so here I was sitting in the living room, with paper and markers brainstorming ideas with the fiancé of my baby daddy.

You can say Irina and I had gotten somewhat close since Christmas, late night calls, lunch dates. It was so strange and new to me. I couldn't decided whether she was being friendly or just playing me. but Irina was a supermodel for crying out loud, she was a professional lady and wouldn't be so immature and childish to act such a way towards me. So I accepted her friendship.

"I think we should throw this big carnival like theme party" I wrote it down on the paper, Cristiano loved crazy parties that had a lot going on and a carnival is perfect, and it'd be just for him.

"I don't know, how about a big birthday event at this really hot club in Ibiza." Irina grinned, I get the whole thing was running through her head now. Ibiza was typically the party spot of Spain. The tiny island at the coast of the country held so many fun night life.

"club? let's get something that Nicolas could attend as well don't forget." I rolled my eyes playfully chucking my marker cap at her. "Get your head straight Irina."

"oh yeah, I forgot he was really young." She scribbled down on her paper.

"Forgot he was young? How old did you think he was 18?" I asked her. "You are really something else. "

"sorry. okay, how about a dinner and show, we could invite his favorite singer to preform for him." She said.

"Yeah, Rihanna would definitely make the night amazing." I agreed.

"Rihanna? no he likes John Legend." She frowned.

since when? everyone knew Cristiano was a fan of Rihanna, he listened to her all the time. She was with him more than I was and I knew that. really Irina really?

"okay Irina." I shook my head laughing to myself. "where did Nicolas run off to?"

"I don't know" she shrugged. "Probably off in his room, did you know Cristiano bought him a goal in his room so he plays in his room day and night, thumping the ball at the wall."

"typical Cristiano, spoiling the daylight out of him." I got up from my spot to look for my son, I wanted to know what he'd think would be a good idea for his fathers birthday surprise.

"Nicolas?" I called out, walking through the kitchen. no sight or sound from him. I walked back through the living towards the stairway.

His room was besides Cristiano's. Images of the Christmas dinner went through my head. I had not been up here since then. Nicolas's room was close shut. "Nicolas?" I knocked.

no answer once again. "baby?" I knocked louder, maybe he was sleepinging, I thought to myself. I opened the door expecting to see my son laying on the bed but instead he was laying on the floor.

"Oh my god, Nicolas?" I rushed down besides him. I shook him once more hoping he'd just got tired and fallen asleep on the floor instead of his bed.

"Nicolas baby, please wake up" my voice cracked as I laid his head on my lap. I brought my two finger up between his neck and his pulse was barely beating.

My heart raced as I picked his up rushing downstairs. "Irina please, call the ambulance." I didn't know what to do, I couldn't even produce tears because of how shock I was.

Irina was on the phone quickly. She spoke in rapid Spanish that I didn't even know she had, I understood most if it and made out the rest. "They'll be here in a few moments, what happened?" Her voice was full of concern.

"I don't know, can you please get my shoes and jacket from the front?" I asked. My mind was upsetting me by thinking of all the worst outcomes of this situation. Nicolas was one of the most healthiest people I knew, how could his body suddenly just give out on him.

5 minutes past and the ambulance arrived at the front door immediately coming in with stretchers putting Nicolas in it. They first gave him CPR but that didn't seem to wake him up. They applied on a oxygen masked that covered most of his face. As they strolled him out of the house and toward the ambulance. As a mother, this was the most horrible scene a mother had to see. Her child looking lifeless and taken to a hospital.

It was a long few hours that I sat outside of Nicolas's room. Thank god Irina asked well more like ordered for a secluded room far away from all the media that way no one would come in. The doctor were all in there, I was growing impatient second by second.

Irina came besides me with two coffees with the Starbucks logo on it and a brown paper bag. I was drained, worry, concern, sadness, confusion was running through me and it was taking away all my energy at the moment.

"I got you some coffee and muffins" she extended it towards me.

"thank you, I can't eat right now though." I said. "You can put it on the table and once again thank you."

"It'll be fine." She sat down beside me. "Nicolas is a tough kid, he'll get through this."

"Thank you, Irina." I smiled at her. "for everything."

I was called back inside by the doctors, I didn't pay attention to them my eyes stayed fixed on Nicolas who still hadn't woken up yet. "what's wrong with him."

"Señorita James, are you aware that your son is allergic to goat cheese?" The doctor asked.

"yes of course I know that." I said.

"does he know that?" He asked again.

"yes he knows not to eat it as well." I nodded.

"We ran a test and a x-ray and it seemed her digested more than a pound of goat cheese, just a once of goat cheese could do damage but more than an ounce is very dangerous." He looked at Nicolas.

"what does this mean? he's alive right?" I asked.

"he barely escaped the worst possible scenario. But he is in a coma for right now." He explained. "We have some more test to run but it's obvious that he'll be staying more than 1 night here."

Cristiano is going to freak out. Shit Cristiano, I totally forgot to phone him. "Okay."

"I'll be back in a hour or so to check up on his heart beats but if you need anything press that button and any of the nurses will be down here." He said.

"okay thank you." I said to him. I watched the doctor leave before reaching in my coat pocket and dialing the number that I knew would get me to Cristiano as soon as possible.


2 updates in 1 hour. I deserve the Nobel peace prize for this achievement. But poor Nicolas this just took a turn for the worst. :c 😥😪😰

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